jbmoyer's Forum Posts

  • So i am good at programming but cant draw to save my life. So what suggestions do you have where i can get free or cheap art?

    Down the road i will of course hire an artist but for now it would be nice to have some decent graphics while i build simple games for learning and possibly free on the app stores.

    I am not opposed to buying art from sites just dont know where to look.


  • Ok, so I have uploaded my game and by looking at the other submissions I am WAY out of my league, but hey its my first :) I have a lot more to learn and excited about the future. Enjoy.


    Brett Moyer

  • Relugy in your example you have the character moving in a grid style, but in your capx you have him just moving node to node and not in a grid style. Can you give details on how you got your character to move grid by grid using path finding? thanks.

  • Hello in the settings for the behavior of 8way, there is a Rotate setting set to no, actually I think its called 360.

    For the second part I think you mean you want the guy to look as if he is walking to the right when you move him right. what you can do whichs works well is create 4 different animations in the Sprite, North, East, South, West. In each of those have 4 or so different frames that show movement, then in your Events, you have a condition that says if Right Arrow pressed change to East animation, when Up is pressed, change to north etc... works pretty well and is simple.

  • Thanks Kiira, not looking for that scene per say, really just that "design style" and a few Hero's in that style. Rooms that depict a dining hall, armory, jail/prison etc.. basally what you find stomping around in a dungeon, chests, pile of bones, puddles of water, moss all the fun atmosphere stuff. I can give better details in the future, for now it would be fun to get a few HERO characters in that style, colors etc.. your choice, I don't want to limit your creativity. :)

  • kirra, This is an outstanding offer you have put out there, I am sure it will keep you beyond busy and help build your portfolio. I am one that will surely keep you in mind, Im good at programming, but when it comes to art I couldn't draw a stick figure. :)

    If your still offering your services, do you have experience creating top down Gauntlet Style atmosphere and characters? see below:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949954/gauntlet.png" border="0" />

    What about the actual background itself? Rooms, Tile design in that art style etc..

    thanks so much.

  • You know, the more I think about it, I don't think Containers will help unless we can create instances of them. I haven't looked into that yet, but if we cant, Functions are your only. Thanks.

  • yeah no sweat, whatever works, sounds like both could work in this instance, Functions do give you more granular control. Glad you got it working!

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  • Sounds more like you want Containers, I recently started using them and they are great for Create/Destroy. I created a toolbar of objects, put them all in a container, then added a button to create the toolbar on demand and BOOM they all come in. I did notice that you still have to place the objects related tot eh toolbar on ImagePoints and Pin them if you want to move the toolbar around but that is all achievable easily.


  • I see value in having a drop list of all the functions

    that you created, better then having to remember them but I would say low on feature list I also bet its probably simple for Ashley to add.

  • Ashley, you are correct I figured that out later down the road. Thank you

  • Excellent, taking a look into it now.

  • I use a TEXT object like many of you as a debugger, I write variables and onClick etc... to that box so I can see where I am, state of values etc... Is there a way to write to it, but also have it be scroll-able? Or do you all do it differently, more effectively?

    Just looking for somewhere to dump values, an endless void while debugging. In HTML I would typically use a DIV with scroll-bars, but not sure what the equivalent in C2 would be. Thanks

  • Reading the Manual :) I think TEXT is just that, text/Font so CSS Style is somewhat useless. Ok thanks

  • Ok, I figured out my problem ...ME... So I am trying to apply CSS to a TEXT Object which I assume becomes a Label in HTML? Any idea why TEXT is not able to be styled?