In the beginning, there was nothing, and it exploded by chance....?
Evidence for both sides is quite lacking (if the Bible is not counted as evidence), and the only thing that really seperates the religious from the atheists is hope/lack of hope.
Religious person: "Wow God sure made a beautiful world! I bet heaven is going to be so great"
Atheist: "God, what God? This is just one instance out of the whole universe that science didn't screw up, I could call it a miracle, but like I said, God doesn't exist. Besides, life is all we have, there is no heaven or hell, we just disappear back into nothing."
But before you bash me on my view of atheism. Would you honestly say anything more positive than that?
Edit: Although this forum could end up into a slight religious/non religious war. If we remain intelligent with our comments and don't hold a grudge on other people for it outside of the thread can it stay open until it goes right off topic?