Hi ^^ Your tutorial really helps me a lot. I can understand this plugin with 2 examples better.
It's weird that if you close the application with x than "end of application" function doesn't work.
And it's important to know exact number of players, if you work with team like game or if you try to create layout owner to first player. If creator of room(first layout logger) leaves the room, others should automaticaly disconnect by that layout.
I'm trying to make a fake master server - sub server(create room) like system. :)
I have an idea, what if we untick application caption property. And draw a same looking caption with sprite ^^. So x button can be our own button which handles same with esc button ^^.
If it works, than only problem left would be task manager logouts :)
By the way, do you have any idea about how to make a real master server-sub server system with cc ? Is it possible with some way ?
Glad you liked it =D
As for the custom title bar, that should work fine, but yeah, there will always be a problem with drop-outs unless an alive-check is run every once in a while.
As for the master server system there may be a way to do it, but my current idea is pretty complex.
1. You run the master server program, which waits for sub-servers to join on a certain port.
2. The sub-servers join and tell the server they exist, the sub-server runs along-side the game server
3. Clients use a server finder to browse the master list, and then upon choosing one the server finder runs the game client while passing the IP and Port as a parameter to the client
4. Game client connects to game server and players play
Not sure how to show the server is full or number of players in the master server list though... <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />