Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • Glad to hear it's mostly working. Maybe try using a private variable system for the player too, so they are set to the exact position they started in right after the box is moved?

    Either that, or try moving the box down and right out of the map, so that it doesn't "pull up" on the player, as the platform movement tries to ride anything that moves above it.

    Still, that bug could turn out to be a really cool feature when making rocket elevators/teleport lifts in games, just move the block the player stands on and they go with it!

  • Set your layout scrolling properties to unbounded, and it will get rid of the snapping. Then use invisible walls or something to prevent leaving the layout/seeing black edges.

    Sadly, setting the scroll speed % is probably the best way I've found of handling parallax. It does mean you'll need trial and error to make your maps, or create an in-game map creator though.

    As for the bonus question, maybe have private variables for each object storing their start/old X and Y. When sprinting, move them to -10000,-10000 or whatever and then place them back at their starting/old X and Y when done. Have to make sure the player doesn't stop sprinting in the middle of one though I guess.

    As for the image sizes, can you break them into smaller tiles? Like 512 by 256 or 512? It does mean lower quality images if you choose to just shrink the graphics and scale them up in-game though.

    These are fairly short answers, so any further explaining I'd be happy to give when I next have time. Hope this helps though.

  • mfadier How about you deliberately show a screen for it? Have it look like a serious windows startup message like "Loading Windows debugging services" and then hide it after it's done, then any user would not think anything of it.

  • :)) haha, i'm not sure they will buy it, cause they can do it a thousand times better than me... i can sell this game only when i convert my games to APPstore for iphone and android with full version.

    Unfortunately you won't be able to sell this game as-is without permission from EA, as it contains copyright "intellectual property" material from DeadSpace/EA. However, you could use the same engine and new graphics/story/anything-else-from-DeadSpace and sell that instead.

    Very cool work though <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Maybe you can have it running all the time, but have a special key combination (to bring up a password window, or just to toggle), which will let you turn it on and off? That way you can activate it when you need, but you only see it starting up when the machine first powers on (during login, which most people will not notice)

  • Hey, I've picked up the source code for the Network project.

    It won't build 'cause of no 'atlstr.h' ...This seems to be avail. in non-express 2010. Any known work-arounds? (Aside from buying VS.)

    Thanks! &Sorry to be brief. Gotta get to work...!

    Not sure if this will help you out, but it looks like someone made a free replacement to the ATL files: tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/wtl/message/12850

    Edit: Nevermind, looks like what you really want is available from this Windows Driver Kit msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg487428

    At least, that's what I read here stackoverflow.com/questions/71659/how-to-add-wtl-and-atl-to-visual-studio-c-express-2008

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  • Hi mfadier, I've read through your previous posts and found something that should work for you instead: creativecodedesign.com/node/52

    You can also try this: downloads.phpnuke.org/en/download-item-view-m-g-g-v-z/PC%2BSCREEN%2BSPY%2BMONITOR.htm

    Construct Classic is supposed to make games and basic applications, not screen capture software. You really are best to find an alternative solution like the one I've linked to.

  • Hi -Silver-, would you be able to post your cap for me to take a look at? I might be able to get that working for you.

  • Very awesome, it'd be cool to see what comes of this!

  • Maybe have your game load graphics externally, then have its default graphics as something hand drawn. You can then use whatever graphics you want personally, and not get charged for distributing copyright material.

    Eg: In my game I'm planning on using some tracks I really like from other games in my own copy of it, but I found free music to include by default.

  • variable= move

    sprite set x to self.x<target.x ?self.x+1*dt :self.x-1

    <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Yann

    I know my method isn't the better way to do it for being robust, but as Khaz specifically stated X axis, I figured it might be a simple fix if he's trying to minimize his events/calculations per second.

    You're right about the dt thing though, I should have used it in my events. Not sure if it'd fit in with my method of avoiding the wiggling (in the second set of events it will always stop within SPEED of the object)

    I'm not certain how much more processing power lerp takes, especially as games are usually lagged by their graphical side rather than logical though, so your method is probably the more correct one to use.

  • This is actually pretty cool CH_Softblow, thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks a bunch Tulamide =]

  • Global variable means all monsters will read from the same one, as global variables span through all layouts and objects as a single value.

    Try a private variable MonsterSpeed for each Monster (add it to one, and the others will have it), then have an Always event to set that monsters speed to its own version of MonsterSpeed value. Then when the bullet hits that monster, give an even to subtract speed from MonsterSpeed for it.

    I can post a quick .cap if you'd like.