JayH's Forum Posts

  • My old projects were not hosted as they weren't compiled into anything, just C2 files - I'm just a bit surprised they still work ok. Again I was also surprised that C3 still works this way for me too.

    Anyway, I'll keep this all in mind in the future, thanks Ashley.

  • As I already stated, I wanted to know if any other users experienced the same.

    I totally understand that browsers have started to prevent autoplay for music. The question is now, "why do my old files still work that were created in C2". Not only do they still play startup music fine in Firefox, but the same files work in C3 desktop too!

    Additionaly, C3 allows you to use 'on Start' to play music still, and it works in Firefox no problem.

    A work around is to preload the music file by placing it in the Sounds folder instead of the Music folder - no user input required. Although, yes I do know that it will be loaded into memory which may not be desirable for some.

    For this topic an example file isn't required, otherwise I would have included one.

    I'm sorry that I enquired now.

  • Then why do my old projects still work? Why does the same method work in C3?

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  • I'm not interested in another method when it worked right before and works just the same in C3.

    I don't want the user to start the music anyway, I want it to start as the level begins - the way everyone usually does it.

    All I asked was whether anyone else had the same issue with this version.

  • I don't think that would the case as it works in C3 this way, and all my previous projects sound work fine using On Start of Layout in this version. It's only when I start a fresh project that the problem occurs.

  • Hi,

    I just loaded up C2 as I've been using C3 for a while and the latest update is r275 (64bit).

    Is anyone having issue playing music files on Start of Layout? Doesn't seem to work anymore, although I was able play imported Sounds fine. Old projects work ok, just new ones created fresh in r275. I can import the same projects into C3 and they also work, what's going on, anyone had this issue ? ;)




  • Thanks Tarek2 and Ashley, very helpful.

    Yes, I've used the Sine Behavior until now for moving platforms, but I thought there might be something useful with the Move To Behavior also.


  • Hi,

    The new 'Move to' Behavior looks very handy, but I'm a little unsure of it's usage exctly - there's isn't any tutorials available for it yet and nothing in the online manual.

    I'm hoping someone can give a me a simple example or screenshot as to how to use it to move a basic platform back and forth.

    Cheers, guys.


    Looks promissing, great stuff.

    I'm wondering if there will be any way to prevent the browser from closing without asking you Y/N before saving.

  • After Trying Kriand's example file, which does a good job (thanks), I can see there are issues with the screen update/refresh again. The platform moves an amount then the player moves afterwards. They are not updated together and not in sync. This looks so rough, it's unusable in games.

    Unless I avoid moving platforms in my platform game, which kinda needs platforms that are moving to be a 'full' platformer (in my mind). My games gonna look rough.

    Pretty disappointed to say the least.

  • Thanks Kriand for the example, it was a good one. Although I'm a little confused with your code, the whole ID thing is confusing. But it's late and I'll have a further look tomorrow.

  • Kriand, thanks for that, but it's not doing anything different, it still flips the sprites graphics. Maybe I don't understand?

    I'm getting what appears to be a tiny glitch at the end of the movement, but it's very tiny and not noticeable really. With the Bullet Behavior I have it set to no Acceleration to avoid issues, the sprite has a constant inertia and doesn't slow down.

    The Maddog, I feel your pain. I get so far, then I get stuck on one issue or another, mostly to do with things that are not working in Construct. Damn Construct 2 is supposed to be easy, until you start a project. Unity is calling, but it's a pain for 2D stuff, at least the last time I tried. Good luck too.

    My other gripe right now it the change in this forum, but that's another thing. Don't release a new forum until it's working, Grrrr!

  • Hi,

    Well I thought I knew, but obviously...

    I'd like to know the methods you can move a sprite manually (horizontally or vertically). This is for a Moving Platforms, although might have other uses.

    The Sine Behavior is out, as it has issues with smoothness at low resolutions when a Player is on it (I have another post on that).

    Until now I've used the Bullet Behavior, but this has it's own issues as it uses an angle to flip it's direction, in-turn mirroring the sprite about it's axis/origin.

    I was curious of the Custom Movement Behavior, but can't see how to use it in the Event Sheet - there's no online info of it implemented anywhere.

    I'd obviously like to keep Delta Time too, so that will be needed too to add to the mix.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks, I thought that too.

    Instead of using the Sine behavior to move a platform, I implemented my own by using the Bullet behavior. I just reverse the angle when a position is reached and the same in the opposite direction.

    It's smooth and glitch free!

    The only caveat is that you have to design your moving platform to be symmetrical and an odd number of pixels in order for the origin point to be placed in the center. The angle change is essentially flipping the object on it's axis, similar to mirrored.

    Of course there are other ways to move a sprite, but this is the quickest and already has delta time added as far as I'm aware.

  • Disabling Pixel Rounding does indeed help while the Player travels left to right on the moving platform, however, when the Moving Platform reaches the left side, the player moves left then right one pixel quite slowly. It looks rough.

    Additionally, a similar behavior can be seen when the platform goes vertically. the Player moves up one pixel, then down one, jittering all the way up and down.