JayH's Forum Posts

  • I've been developing a retro pixel platform game in Construct 2, but I've run into an issue which I don't think can be fixed.

    I've tested this with Construct 3 also, so I'm assuming that this is a continued problem.

    The problem is easy to re-create.


    1. Use the Retro Pixel Platform Layout

    2. Create a Platform with Solid Behavior

    3. Create a moving platform with Jump Through Behavior and Sine Horizontal

    4. Add a Player with default Platform Movement

    When the Player jumps onto the moving platform there is a noticeable jitter / shake / wobble / glitch in the movement. It's as if the two sprites are fighting with each other and their behaviors as they re-fresh.

    You would expect that the player locks to the platform and the platform just carries on, but the smooth animation is lost and looks very unprofessional as the platform jitters and the player is updated slowly.

    I can't be the only one to have noticed this issue, is there a way around this? It's more noticeable with low-resolutions such as 320x180, but it's still there none the less.

  • Thanks Kriand, I'll take a look.

    Edit: I've now tried the example you gave and both seem to work ok. The dt one runs, but like with most dt stuff I can't verify if it's truly working. Not the most elegant solution, but a welcomed working one all the same, thanks.

  • Thanks Kriand, I guess it's a tricky one then.

    I really need my events to avoid frame dependence, so I have to try something with dt. I was hoping for a neat and tidy method without creating lines of code and variables for something that appeared so plain that could be in an equation. Maybe Lerp just isn't the right method, unless someone can offer any other help.

    Cassianno, sorry, no that makes no difference, we've still got movement, but without a step of 12 pixels, I understand where Kriand is coming from.

    Plinkie, I look into the viarable for the player.

    I have more research to do!

  • It's moving smoothly, but not in 12 pixel segments/blocks. It looks like it should work, but doesn't.

    Here's a screenshot to make it clearer:


  • yep, lerp() is what you need. It is a math function used in basically in all/many games/engines.

    Darn it, my posts here keep disappearing!

    Ok, I've gone through lerp, but I'm still stuck.

    I've tried this:

    obj_Player = lerp (obj_Player.X, obj_Player.X + 32, dt)

    But it's too quick to know.

    I've tried this:

    obj_Player.X = lerp (obj_Player.X, obj_Player.X + 32, 60*dt)


    obj_Player.X = lerp (obj_Player.X, obj_Player.X + 32, 60/dt)

    I've also tried this from the below blog post:

    obj_Player/X = lerp (obj_Player.X, obj_Player.X + 32, 1 - 0.5 ^dt)

    https://www.construct.net/gb/blogs/ashl ... a-time-924

    I also checked out this post:


    Any help please?

  • Thanks guys, I'll check out Lerp today as it seems the most specific to my needs, I'll have to use dt too for the movement between, not specifically 1 pixel at a time.

  • Probably quite self-explanatory from the title.

    I'd like to move the player 32 pixels on each keypress, but move the him smoothly pixel by pixel. In other words, slide 32 pixels at a time.


  • Hi Per,

    Thanks for the information. I'm not that keen on having the logo, although I probably shouldn't care. I'm wondering about upgrading to Construct 3, but I'm not that keen on using it online - I hope there will be an offline editor at some stage, I'm old school and like to have actual software, but I guess if a companies server is down, your old license isn't worth anything anyway... I digress. It is tempting though and possibly the less hassle route - I'd better do some reading up on it's specifics.

    I checked out your game, unfortunately it wasn't easy to find in the Google Play Store, either because it's new, or because of the "!" exclamation marks... I've no idea.

    Hard game for me sadly, but I dug the music - reminded me of my old Amiga Tracker days.

  • Thanks mrtumbles, that seems to have done the trick. I've yet to totally grasp delta time, I know what it does, but using it is another matter.

  • Hi,

    I've been playing with the WebGL Transition. I wanted to revise the Transition so that it is pixellated to begin with and then gradually reduce the pixallation down until the image is clear.

    But I was worried that it wouldn't work consistently across devices, as it is I'm getting varying speeds with or without Delta time when I run it in different browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Edge and NWjS. I'm not that familiar how to add delta time in Construct 2, so any help with this would be appreciated thanks.



    or Pasteboard:


  • Hi,

    This is probably a big question, but it's a little hard to find the latest information. I'm currently making games with the intention of exporting them to Android and then onto IOS and Windows Stores.

    There appears to be lots of old information scattered around the Scirra Forums and Scirra Tutorials, what is the preferred methods in May 2018 for Construct 2 for exporting to the above?

    Are there any good tutorials/videos on the subject you can recommend?


  • Hi,

    I've had this odd behavior with Construct 2 for as long as I can remember, I've lived with it, it may be a bug, but I'm just worried that there is something that isn't right. If I end up exporting my game, will it have the same issues? I don't think it's worth sending a bug report, as I've been using Construct 2 for over a year and if it was a problem for others, then it would have been fixed by now, or instead it may have been reported, but no one in development is focused on Construct 2 bugs anymore, like with other ongoing interface bugs - I say this kindly of course.

    I generally use Firefox, quite often I attempt to run a game, other than the progress bar flashing across the screen briefly, nothing happens. No browser opens, no game, no test.

    Other times the browser will open, but nothing happens. Sometimes the game loads, but the sprite player moves erratically for a few seconds, even though the sprites have no input at this stage.

    I've tried Chrome too, which oddly displayed the short countdown test I'd created and played back faster than it was set. Then on second run it was at it's normal speed.

    I'd say I get my games to run 75% of the time without these issues. Has anyone else had this?

    I'm going to try NWJS today to see how things go with that.

    Edit: I've just tried NWJS and this has the same issues, so it's either Windows 10 or Construct 2 I think. Only on the 3rd attempt did my test project work correctly.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Well unless someone changed it for me, it's fixed itself. So any of you guys that don't see a change, it can obviously take over 24 hours.

  • Hi,

    I've changed my Gravatar, but oddly it's not changing in the Scirra Forum, however, it is showing in my Profile, what gives?

    I thought it may be something to do with an issue today with Gravatar's website, as I couldn't add an email, although this hasn't been an issue before. But as I said, my profile in this forum has the new image.

  • Within Construct 2s Example folder, there is a example capx that demos a pixellated transition, from background image to pixellated:

    "WebGL shader 'pixellate' transition"

    Is it possible to do this in reverse? i.e. gradually go from pixellated to a clear image?

    I'm probably expecting too much of Construct 2, but it would be cool.