jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • C2 doesn't really use CSS as part of it's game design.

    CSS is only used when using the few DOM elements like Font, Text, Button. However as a good rule of design for true cross platform.

    * Times when you would use DOM. Editors, information, prototypes.

    * When not to use DOM. Any commercial release of a game or App.

    However, except for the DOM parts. C2 doesn't use HTML5 except to have a Canvas and even then Wrappers don't use it all. So no. C2 is really primarily just a JS game engine with a HTML5(only) wrapper page for a browser.

    Just as an information.

  • ahhh the people who don't track Ouya. To make it simple. your all wrong. Ouya failed when they decided to make the controller reflect the current model of dual analog, 4 face and shoulder. When it decided to use that controller design it went head on with Sony and MS. They should have taken a smart route. But enough of that. We are talking about the HoC at this. But your all wrong as to why it failed. :D

    Anyways. I think the HoC is a good idea and I really believe a easy cost entry into a console market is desperately needed, but I'll tell you why all consoles will fail.

    None of the console makers create consoles for your mom or grand dad. I don't mean that in a "your mom" hostile rude joke either. I seriously mean it on every level from a buisness perspective.

    Successful entry has a viable hardware must address the lowest and simplist ease of use for any device. When the use of a device is unituitive, complicated, then the consumer will find it difficult and likely find little value in it's use.

    The HoC is designed and focused as a linux market targeted game conole device focused essentially providing a linux experience. As long as linux designers focus on linux users then no linux device will ever take off.

    A device if successful against an already established market MUST by no uncertain terms bring in new users to the market. The Ouya only focused on a small market and made 0 effort bringing in new users. the HoC like every other Linux device never attempts to bring in new users, but continue to only attract interest of current consumers.

    I think the idea of the HoC is great, but if you want it to succeed. Do this. Throw out your controller. Connect a Wii-Remote/Move/Kinect and base your controller around one of those. Stop visiting linux sites, game developer sites.... and go to Forbes, Womans World, Buisiness today, Martha Stuart. Focus less on Linux and what's powering HoC. Focus instead on what this device can do to make everyones life easier. Focus on start up time, focus on easy to use Weather Apps, focus on House Bulletin boards, Focus on easy to use Netflix, Focus on Youtube on the Tv, Focus on FaceBook on the Tv, Focus on a photo viewer on the Tv. focus on everything but the technology, focus on everything to make life easier. Then Let them know of the cool games that can come with it.

    While Towerfall didn't make much money it did however lead to an awesome result. If people would ever do research past what they want to know. Matt the maker of Towerfall is now developing the game for Steam, is looking at bringing the game to Wii U, PS3, and 360. Not only that he now get's sweet work contracts. This was the result of Towerfall. if Towerfall was never released on the Ouya he wouldn't be riding as high as he now. You might only see the results of the game on just the Ouya, but the results are far more impacting.

  • Well I suggest a little more reading on the subjects.

    But to answer your question. C2 exports a JavaScript program which uses a browsers canvas and other browser api. There is no Flash.

    Any HTMl elements are only a visual wrapper for the browser.

  • I agree that some people are making tutorials that aren't tutorials.

    Some times the tutorials aren't very well written.

    some times the tutorials are the same as others

    some times they are nothing but a link to a youtube page

    some times they are a link to a capx

    however the important part about writing a tutorial is.

    Save Draft

    Preview often

    write the core tutorial in another document writer.

  • I like them :) miles above what I can do :D

  • This isn't actually a bug

    Dictionary only stores STRINGS and NUMBERS.


    Don't rely on Dictionary to do a BOOLEAN comparison.

    If you need compare boolean. You need to

    int(Dictionary.Value) = 0   // false

    int(Dictionary.Value) != 0 // true

    but I don't believe right now this can be considered a BUG. As BOOLEAN is not a NUMBER.

    However I do actively use a Dictionary for Boolean comparison. I just use the value of 0/1 instead of TRUE/FALSE and have had no problem.

  • 1. CJS is not gather dust. It's the most activly used C2 mobile wrapper right now.

    2. The individual who made the comment mostly hangs out in the Ejecta thread which has a descent following. If your doing IOS you are probably better using that.

    3. have you followed the tutorials on using CJS?

    4 How are you testing your program out. by cloud compiled version or launcher.

    A. if launcher are you using preview over lan with CJS?

    B. if launcher are you copying the .zip file over the root of your android device?

    CLAY.IO is not the same as CJS. Clay.io is not a wrapper it's an achievment and online cloud data storage.

    XDK doesn't support accelerated Canvas. It's built to make DOM Web Apps faster.

    Also to catch ahead. Game Closure has an overhead that no one has simplified yet for ease of use. So it's not a running option until someone does so(which I seemed to be backed in to a corner soon to use)

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  • Ashley

    I think the OP wants this algorythym built in

    player.SetAnimation("walk" & ceil(8*(1 + pathfind.angle / 360) - 0.5) % 8)

    While it might be helpful built in, others have found a good solution.

  • looks fantastic :)

    Team Notion is being made with C2? because Notion games, thehen and squiddster are leading the C2 tools.

    Grats on Ubie, and this game is looking great :)

  • I have a question. What are you bringing to the table in terms of completion of the project?

    Who are you emailing?

    Who are you calling?

    What is your part in getting the game finished?

    Are you bringing content to the game?

    I'm a programmer with no other asset creation skills. Do you have artists, sound designers, composers?

    What tangible elements that you can provide; that say Draspur can't? What projects have you managed to get to a commercial state?

  • I suggest using Rojohounds Hash plugin. Also someone else did a custom JSON plugin.

    Part of the beuty of C2 is that you can look else where than official plugins.

  • I really like your work. When I make money with any of my work I will look you up :)

  • As an FYI, Array's are tables. They are an usually visually referenced as a spreadsheet(XY).

    I would suggest for the designer to use an array, and save the array to webstorage.

    Alternative is to use rojohounds "HASH" table plugin. Hash plugin behaves like a JS Object when wanting to access data.

    hero.name = Dread

    hero.level = 20

    hero.xp = 23054

    hero.weapons = {1:"pistols", 2:"rifle"}

    sidkick.name = Anders

    sidekick.level = 1

    sidekick.xp = 0

    sidekick.weapons = {1:"pisolts...}

    also because you are required to use a string based reference. You can do this.

    // initiatitae players adventure team

    Repeat 5

    --var PC = "character_" & loopindex &".";

    --Hash.set(PC & "XP", 0)

    but it also works great in reverse

    Repeat(size of Hash)

    -- var PC = hash.getkey()

    -- sprite.health = hash.getvalue(PC & ".health")

    also if you need to look at everyones data you can

    text.settext(hash.atkey("") )

    It does require some more sorting overhead to work in strings.

  • How about this perspective on the entire subject.

    It's not about Story or Game Play. It's about what the consumer; the gamer is looking for. I think more than anything else on the matter. Only what the gamer wants.

    If a gamer wants a story they will look for story. If a gamer wants gameplay they skip story.

    Some games clearly focus on story, Heavy Rain. Where as some games focus on game play such as Fifa. They find market because there are gamers that are searching certain criteria.

    Often gamers are best made with a good enough story and good enough gameplay. This hedges the bet to try and gain interest from people interested in story and gameplay.

    As an example a couple of months ago. I decided to watch Deadspace cartoon on Netflix. I never wanted to play the game. After watching the frist show i was interested in the story. I watched the second show. Wanting more I ended up reading the Deadspace Wikia to know the entire story. I would rather watch a movie, but there is now more temptation to play the game.

    I never discount the value of story. Movies, books, TV, Radio all provided a form of important entertainment. Even oral stories are traditional. Human's love entertainment and that seems to be 3 types. Stories, education and activity.

    There is no reason why games can't have stories. But in the end games don't need stories nor do they need someone to "fill" in story when it's not present. There are too many gamers that click through the story just to play the game.

    It's just a matter of desire from the consumer. For us on this game creation site. We are probably best off to have solid gameplay and a story that the player wants to see.

  • thehen

    I believe no in both cases.

    I heard sweet tweening between animations will be there. eventually. Maybe B7?

    I'm not sure when we will be able to customize certain object positions. though I'm looking forward to seeing that one too.