As an FYI, Array's are tables. They are an usually visually referenced as a spreadsheet(XY).
I would suggest for the designer to use an array, and save the array to webstorage.
Alternative is to use rojohounds "HASH" table plugin. Hash plugin behaves like a JS Object when wanting to access data. = Dread
hero.level = 20
hero.xp = 23054
hero.weapons = {1:"pistols", 2:"rifle"} = Anders
sidekick.level = 1
sidekick.xp = 0
sidekick.weapons = {1:"pisolts...}
also because you are required to use a string based reference. You can do this.
// initiatitae players adventure team
Repeat 5
--var PC = "character_" & loopindex &".";
--Hash.set(PC & "XP", 0)
but it also works great in reverse
Repeat(size of Hash)
-- var PC = hash.getkey()
-- = hash.getvalue(PC & ".health")
also if you need to look at everyones data you can
text.settext(hash.atkey("") )
It does require some more sorting overhead to work in strings.