If you look through the forums for the subject. The Scirra staff have already voiced there opinions. We have a had a few large threads about the subject mostly small ones.
While i'm not one of the Scirra staff. I have read it. And it's this. While Ashley is getting frustrated with Ludie lack of communication and there failure to fix problems. CocoonJS still stands as the best viable export for cross platform. It does this by being the least amount of effort for the most robust options.
CJS supports a large set of WC3 features
CJS has WebGL
CJS has Preview over Lan
CJS has a launcher
CJS has a low use barrier.
these features pretty much push it well above the others in use.
what does GC have?
GC has a large learning curve
GC requires manual tinkering to work or C2 to officially support an export
GC custom non WC3 libraries.
what good thing does it have
GC is open source
GC is communicative than Ludie.