jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Hey some great opinions.

    I'm in your camp. I don't believe there is any blocker to make a full fledged game. I do believe however sometimes I'm just going to have to roll up my sleeves and do it the hard way. I actively do use Unity at the company I work, but even with enough Unity skill set for 2D games. I would still work with C2 for any 2D.

    Some plugins I agree I don't know if should be officially supported, but seems like should have a presense. Canvas especially. Rex FSM, I use groups for finite statemachines. magic cam is good. but that's also the point. If the engine is robust enough to let 3rd party developers to create quality tools, does that need official support?

    I lean no.

    I agree. I wanted to create a node based traveling system similar to Knights of Pen and Paper and such AdventurePath kinda of thing. But rather than linear paths use some pathfinding. it works find. But I wanted to see if I can make a tool in the SDK to assit in creating the graphics. You can find the thread in SDK as Edittime Widgets.

    Overall I would rather Ashley work on producing a more robust IDE where tools, templates can thrive and flourish into quality standards. Rather than Ashley work on new end user features. I would like to modularity so that I know templates can be imported into project easility more so; so that if there is an update to template developers don't have hard time.

    I would like to see all plugins have an Editor.js file which is only edit time. But let's us have widget and high amounts of control. Widgets to be dragged to create bezier splines in a scene, new windows to create tool interfaces.

    Is any of this needed to make a great game. No, but it sure would help.

    I've had my peace. I'll now continue make C2 stuff

  • newt pointed out the technoligical elements for the deformation. However I agree on the other point. But this kinda brings in a mini issues about the subject.

    1. Recently I found out from Ashley in the SDK sub forum. that the IDE engine they use restricts them from letting developers do any thing advanced in the SDK.

    2. C2 users adopt 3rd party plugins that provide code features have an ok adoption rate. it seems that any major features C2 users think should be Scirra made only. MP is an example. There was an MP plugin created by c2 developer but never penetrated the market. only until Scirra made their own MP plugin did it start getting worked into projects. This mentallity has to go. If there isn't financial stability for some one to invest the time for such advanced tools then those tools won't ever get made. free is nice, but those tools require a lot of man hours of time and polish. Time and polish that can't effecivly be done in their spare time.

    3. Every sample in the OP are tools created by 3rd party groups and not the Gamekit company. Unity team did not make Ferr2dterrain or Uni2D, and I have no idea what the Rayman team is using. But they do their own tools to.

    4. C2 Developers need to use/buy 3rd party tools and C2 Developers who make the tools require the ability to create advanced(which is right now impossible with C2 IDE backend).

    C2 foundation ground work has issues that need to be overcome. These are cool posting elios, but C2 won't see them. Instead C2 will need to evolve into C3. Same compiler engine, but needs an entirely new backend. Which won't happen until Scirra has a reasonably sized staff.

  • oh by the way. You can also put entire Layout names as "strings" in side the array instead of just numbers. Works really well.

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  • Easy Peasy and classic coding. There are a few ways to do this. Personally Like strings because of the small object it represents. but we will go with arrays.

    You have an array with size = NumRooms

    Repeat NumOfRooms

    Array.Set(0) to loopindex

    boom you have your list of rooms. Next step and here is the magic.

    // get a random index from remaining rooms

    var index = floor( Random( 0, Array.Size ) )

    // get the room number from the array at index

    var roomToLoad = Array.Get( index )

    // remove the value at index position so it doesn't happen again.

    Array.RemoveAt( index )

    You have now mastered Construct 2

    As a warning. This is Psuedo Contrsuct 2 terms. I could have the terms wrong. Such as RemoveAt could in fact could be PopAt, DeleteAt... or something else. Also i think think Array.Size should probably be Array.Width. C2 naming is kinda wierd.

    • Post link icon

    eh what the hell

    Have a job yes: 9hr day

    Occupation: being an awesome Software Developer

    Average Time Spend...... on C2: These days about 14 which also includes doing art for C2 stuff.

  • sorry. I should have been clear codah.

    From an Event Action line yo are right.

    System.Call(system.function, a, b, c )

    Similar to variables listed in the system listbox if you do a lot of object clicking style programming. This style is already kinda supported by the current design, but puts the root C2 rather than use of a plugin.

    Sprite.setX : functionName(a, b, c)

    What I was thinking was for expression line where you embed function calls usually for the immidate return type in an expression. ie Sprite.AnimtionFrame = Function(blah). In this case the function being primititive and similar to vars.

    I tend to use Functions a lot with expressions.

  • I requisted Functions to be a primitive similar to variabls. That way they apear int he auto filler.

    So instead of

    Function.Call( object.functionName, a, b, c)

    you would get

    functionName( a, b ,c )

    just like a real function

  • The platform being run on needs WebRTC. IOS does nto have WebRTC. Android Crosswalk has WebRTC but I think it's still early version so a little clunky and slow.

    Limits to networking is bandwidth, memory, cpu.

  • You cannot not enable disabled code at run time. you Can however active deactive code in a group. Active/Deactive code are not the same as Disabled code.

    I'm 99% sure that disabled code will not be in the runtime.

  • Save As Single file which is a capx. Hopefully there are no 3rd party plugins.

  • I've never had this problem ever. I suspect your overlooking something critical in how spawning works maybe?

    Can you make a small sample of problem and post it as a CAPX?

  • I think Ashley did a great job on the Audio plugin. It's core design well enough to build most needs. The only problem I had with it's core feature is that the Rolloff for sound was for all sounds; rather than roll off for individual tags. My plugin doesn't replace Ashley well designed plugin. Just with it. but again I have no idea when it will be released. I'm pretty busy these days. but I need a more advanced audio myself so it's on the near by to do list.

  • I can't say when it's being released, but I've started tinkering with an Audio plugin and not Audio such as Scirra's core Audio system. It's more an advanced audio feature that would make using Audio easier.

    Audio zones( more specifically audio plays while in the area, but you control the roll off factor for each object)

    reverb zones


    theme play

    random play from playlist

    looping playlist

    load playlist per layout

    effect management


    stuff like that. These are all audio effects that can be found in The Blue Code game demo. However it's only in the infancy stages due to time and other stuff being worked on. However if some one wants to PM and offer structural idea exhchange to help layout the foundation please PM me.I'm not promising how far it will go. But I do want a more advanced audio system myself so I don't need to create it in the Events again.

  • Ashley

    Thanks for the info. I had no idea that you guys are choked pointed by the IDE layer you are using. That's a real pity. Who knows. Maybe when you guys find another ace programmer; that could be a thought to redo the IDE with interface features, but .... also more platforms.

  • That's about all we can give you. Go for it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
