jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Kappyh

    Not at this time. Spriter tool which is not C2 does not support Vector. However I hear that may be coming someday. C2 also doesn't support Vector at this time. but who knows that one will probably come some day too. but right now no. I'm looking forward to vectors. Though I suspect C2 will only see it when browsers have fast vector rendering on canvas.

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  • I used to feel that way. That's why I stopped and have suggested to not use variables in a way that get's you stuck like that.

    Global variables should be instead on an object that exists globally. Such as a Dictionary. For my self I make a Dictionary and call it global. Even if I don't use the Set/Get of the dictionary I just attach variables. Then I use the globals in a way such as global.var.

    When I need local vars they are always embded in a Group and only that group of Events will ever use them. Using local vars in a parent group can and has screwed me up. So I stopped. So if I do need to move stuff around I move things by the group as a whole.

    After a few months of using C2 in the way it was meant to be used. Procedural programming. It caused far more headaches than it's worth. It's why I believe that procedural is the wrong design choice. but nothing to do about it. The best thing to do now is just design a OOP structure inside c2 system and stick with it.

    So while I agree this is a usefull feature. it's a problem that can be worked around. But hey. I won't complain if it is added and I will certainly make use of it in some way. I still make the occasional variable fopaw.

  • Technically you can. Some one did Copperlicht 3d plugin and another person did three.js. but honestly the effort I don't think is worth it over all.

  • yep, all requested. so wanted for ease of development. So much agreement

    Maybe an official maintained request thread would be nice

  • I can't really attribute teh loss of performance 176. but I have noticed recently that peformance has dropped. Even on simple ES work and even moving items.

  • Hey thanks for the link. Guess I missed the last replies in that thread one way or another.

    However Ashley reply is pretty clear. No work will be done on such features in the future do to personal design philosophy. Outside of having real tangible proof by way of code examples for an HTML5 engine. I suspect there will be no budging.

  • BattleJenkins

    I agree. However I have voiced opinion for this for years before your arrival. There are three factors involved why there is no FPS control on anything.

    1. The change would require an architecture change to C2 root rendering.

    Earlier this year Ashley threw in a simple FPS controller. However due to everything else it was impossible to get smooth animation. I know it's possible to have a good FPS controller but all the plugins that require motion would need re-working.

    2, Ashley believes that there is no reason to run less than max capable and 60fps marker. Also Ashley claims that dt is working well enough even when the fps drops.. Though evidence shows enough to contrary.

    3. It's a once man team doing the core programming...still .. Maybe down the road there will be enough programming staff to really take on some of the developer bottle necks.

    i actually once linked to a fantastic article that swapped the FPS control. Due abvoe reason 1. There was the alternative or limiting the FPS of logic instead. This means that by dropping logic updates to less often this would allow better maintaince of FPS smooth rendering and ultimatly betterg ame performance without requiring the architecture changes. unfortunatly it was ignored. but hey. I tested out the theory on my own.

    I wrote an on every 0.0033 tick. Inside there was a loop that went through an array and called a function. Essentialy I wrote a logic kernel. On my tests for mobile. I was able to get 5fps program up to 60fps by only doing the logic of the trig at apx 24fps and 30fps. So for my standards now that if there is any heavy trig going on. I'll either limit the updates or build a simple kernel. The result has been fantastic

  • I've personally feel that all tree's by default should be collapsed. Alternatively a toggle option in the settings for default tree mode would be ideal.

  • SHG

    Yep that's what I knew. What I wanted to know is getting the file list from a folder during edit mode for use during runtime. However that was the past tense and I'm not working around that. Though heavier it's a more robust solutionl

  • I'm seeking a similar answer. I want to use a list of audio files in a specific directory that's part of the project. However on export I believe all the files are pulled to a root rather than maintaining a folder structure( I believe). So being able to grab the file names during edit time by use of knowing the folder would be fantastic.

  • Looks like a fun tinkering of sound. Have you tried using the files as Sound rather than music. Importing as music flags them to be audio streamed. So only preload a little audio ahead of time and forget prior. Sound files just load into memory.

    My suggestion would be preload all the tracks. And then manually track the time and try that way. Let us know how it goes

  • This doesn't look like an experiment. This looks more like a budget and revenue examination. I think this is a valid business plan. However what is the purpose of sharing? Megatronix has a point. This is standard operational start up costs. Are you looking for insights?

  • Never mind. I'm being a doorknob. WebStorage s not the same. I guess I overlooked the value since I only use WebStorage to save bulk data in Dictionaries.ToJson.

    RookieDev are you maybe clearing your WebStorage for development testing?

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  • Don't use WebStorage.Set. Instead use WebStorage.Add

    Same with dictionary. And here is why,

    1. Until you Add a value to Web/Dict there is no variable to set with. So Setting won't work.

    2. Add will always add a variable.

    3. Add will overwrite a variable that already exists. So your never actually increasing the number of vars stored.

    So unless there is better memory performance with using Set. Just use Add all the time.

    I had the same problem over a year ago. Then I read the manual and was informed this piece of information.