I can't seem to find much information about this and in the searches. So maybe someone can point me in the right direction or add some features. I would like to add Edit Time widgets to objects. This is to assist in creating information structures and visual guides during edit time.
As an example I created a template on the store called NodePath that does CSV brute force path finding. Works great. However setting up csv graph over lot's of nodes is a pain. I started with a C2 template csv graph creator. However this needs to be in runtime with the idea of getting a string to put in at edit time. Then at runtime can rebuild the graph node. However this requires a lot of extra work that seems to be best that this occurs on the editor side.
* Right click to create a node anywhere
* Right click on a node to destroy it
* Hold left mouse to drag a node
* Hold left mouse on a green dot to create a drag path to another node.
* Right Click on an arrow to destroy the path.
I was thinking to create a behaviour that only needs to store the properties. So any Sprite can act as a node so this doubles up the use of a Sprite. However Behaviours can't draw anything. So I thought to create a NodePathCore with settings options(similar to Mouse,Keyboard....) that can draw all the edit time stuff of the behaviours. Nope can't do that either because if it's not a "world" it doesn't get the draw command.
So I relented and decided to make it all a Plugin. however I soon found there is not enough programming features to do widgets.
I can draw a node
I can draw a line between the node
I can't create a widget(green drag and drop and arrow) that can be interacted with.
There is no are no additional mouse features in the manual for OnMouseDown/MouseUp.... which I think could be a minimal feature addition. Also it would be fantastic to have Widget handles in the edit time system. As an example the could be used to have edit time sizing for behaviour/plugin settings, such as circles, ovals, or dragable lines.
So if some one knows how to do this I would love to know. if not I know
Ashley is a busy guy. But opening up more edit time features would be awesome.