jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • My suggestion is to go to the Plugin maker for Clock which isn't Scirra. It's possible that the browser updated and some obscure code in the clock program is now using removed browser call.

    You can also optionally go back a browser itterations and check those. Try a different browser. If it still persissts you can also go through the plugin and check out what's wrong with it.

  • lucid

    Talking about the Sprite not the plugin. I'll make a small video to show what I'm doing and a written comment about what I thought it shuold do. That way you can let me know what I'm doing wrong

  • The benefit of Cordova is that you can write your own layer to core OS api's. That way the door is open to more oppertunities.


    While this api is not the solution we are looking for. it's a step in the right direction for someone to pursue WebRTC on IOS.

  • When it comes to fighting games and other smiilar attack frames. Most developers spawn the collision box on frame x, and destroy on frame y. Using image points in the frame and then setting angles seems to be a enough.

    Though I agree it would be nice to have collision flags to determine how or what can collide with what or not collide with.

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  • lucid

    can we have the option to set new origin points for images. Mine seem to be locked now. Since some of the images have different points of visual center there seems to be no way to reposition them.

  • I noticed any fps below 45 causes the dt to produce less smootth results. I have no idea why that happens. dt is just a difference between last time and this time in a usable form. I have no problem in Unity's dt or using JS or Java custom dt. But C2's just goes herky jerky. I'm wondering if the dt is linked to the browser refresh hz.

    I don't have excellent examples.

  • nicmar

    It is possible to get games running at 60fps on iPhone4, but it requires going old school in game development. High/low priority objects. Update times. Make sure to take advantage of few Sprite objects and use the Frames/Animations of Sprite objects rather than more distinct sprite objects.

    Don't overload with trig every tick. if you know your angle is changing by x per tick then do that.

    So unless your ready to be 32 LEAN AND MEAN your better off not targeting any weaker device. because it's really easy to make bad performant games in C2. I've seen even weaker than iPhone4 android games that run smooth. but it's all about being crafty.

    Otherwise stick with IOS8+

  • Why not just use the Wii U forums. Then you know there is no NDA problems discussing about performance gains.

  • * Fixed a bug where Character Maps weren't using the correct pivot points for mapped sprites

    I dont' know what I'm doing wrong, when I change the origin pivot point by the Files/Pallet the sprite still doesn't adjust tot he new pivot/origin. Also this isn't just with maps, this also applies to the root entity images.

  • If your set on C2 then he should use the SDK and provide you with the plugins/behaviours. So your still working with events and the graphical IDE and he is coding.

    However if you don't use the IDE much and are just drawing. it's time to switch platforms.

    On a final note. I have been programmer for 15+ years and it's likely his real hurdle is culture shock of learning C2. I haven't come a cross a programmer yet that hasn't been slown down by the transition from programming X to doing Y with C2. However i can honestly say. Now that I'm familiar C2 a lot. I can build a working game code in 1/4 of a day compared to what I have to do using Unity.

    Following that. Your case isn't new. I hear this "my programmer friend is slow with C2 and wants to code. How can he code?" a few times a year.

  • nah they didn't start here. I remember threads from 2 years ago asking for share layers. but I'm glad they are in. I'm glad they are finally in

  • The answer is that all transmission by way of socket and serial is all done in bytes. You can't send 1bit of a byte and a bool is pretty much a bit with a parity value. So a byte is going to be sent no matter what it is.

    Since a bool is translated to 0 or 1+ then you already have a a usable if statement with a byte or number.

    if( number ) is 1+


    if( !number ) is 0

    A byte also values of 256 possible results. Since the minimal data is a byte spending the extra effort to typecast a byte to a limited use of a bool seems redundant when the developer can check against it themself. If you really need it you can typecast the input of byte to a bool on the change of the byte value.

  • More a question of. Can you create it. Most open based systems it's not about can X do Y, but can you do X with y. Sometimes the answer is no. Lack of understanding, skill, jumping into the deep end without learning to swim.

    The answer is yes. C2 can make rogue like games. Can you make rogue game with C2. I can't answer that.

  • Can you post a sample capx

    Also what's your mobile device?

    I can't say for sure. But I found a lot of devs struggle with any physics related processing. Including myself. i've seen JS physics run on iPodTouch with a 100 to 120 objects run at 50fps+. but with C2 struggle with 20. I'm not sure if the card is physics. but share what you have and let's see if anyone can find a solution.

  • Rex may have the plugins you are looking for. Also I don't know who did it, but some one did an ISO template they were releasing.