I see this form of request list come up a lot lately. and my part of the list is always the same. Many of the best requests are impossible under C2 IDE. If you want these fantastic requests ever see the light of day. The small requests need to stop coming in and everyone voice their desire for C3. So saying so. let me add my spin on a few of these.
1. Can't happen. I love this feature two. however there are two parts holding this back.
a. The game engine doesn't support scene graphing which is more ideal to grouping animations to a time line. My suggestion. Container to be trashed and instead implement scene graphs and pre fabricated objects.
b. IDE is holding back any serously good custom new stuff. We need C3 to move on for your 1 request.
+1 for my vote
2. What your asking for is a SceneGraph. I've made an official request for this 2 years ago. and I bring in this request often with these request lists. Part of this limitation could be the IDE just lacks the ability to be a capable tool to allow for this kind of jointing of objects in the IDE tools. C3 has a better opportunity to see this even be remotly implemented.
+1 for my vote
3. Requested by me again maybe others too. Can't be done with the current IDE. need to wait for C3.
+1 for my vote
4. mostly Pass. 2016 should be the complete lack of requiring a native export. however if you need access to low level system functions. cordova opens that door. PhoneGap/Crosswalk/CJS all support cordova.
1. That would be nice
2. I wrote a pathing system. I wanted to advance the system by using bezier curves. When I moved my capx code to the plugin. I found that I couldn't create widgets. So While I could create a curve. these curves would need ot be imported or guess or tested at run time. For this tool to be properly requires widget and gizmo capabilities of the IDE tools. Which can't be done until C3.
4. Paster/Canvas needs to some polishing up. I've seen a few wierd beahviours. but It does seem to be a basic concept plugin. There is at least R0j0 plugin.
5. I looked at chipmunk. Nice. It's my goto physics for c2 and js. Not good for bullets and no effective rest state, but even without a rest state I had about 1/3 performance improvement I'm like r0j0 work on chipmunk
6. I agree. physics should be improved. Poly collision is expensive. There should be circular and rectangle collision checks. In fact Rect/circle should be default.
i agree that C3 should be started. but C3 is still going to be a js engiine. So it's still going to be browser based. however part of the issues that people have is that the C2 developement architecture requires more discipline for mobile performance than traditional programming or other tools. c2 is the easiering and more natural development style results in terrible mobile performance. However with diligence mobile performance is excellent.
instead C3 should be started, but with re-designing the parts that c2 has problems with. otherwise I also agree that C2 due to it's limited IDE architecture is hitting the end of the road.
unfortunately all the big stuff, modularity, reloading plugin, IDe store, Scenegraphs, widgets and gizmos and all juicy goodness that all the other tools can do, are not doable in C2 and never will be.
Sorry, but the only life C2 will see is maintaining it's current flow of small improvements. Nothing big that will really push the tool to forward can be done.
As for my self.
Edit Time access for input and behaviour drawing. That way we can make widget and gizmo's
Edit Time custom windows frame
Simpler Plugin/beahviour design that uses reflection
IDE access to the store
plugin development reloading(ie don't have to re-start c2)
Editime variable setting from widget settings
SDk that goes into guts of C2.
C2 Engine SDK(we have the plugin SDK). The engine SDK would go into features such as getting access to other plugins, behaviours and being able to use them. being able to influence the timer and stuff.