jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • As a Unity programmer I can honestly say. It's not worth the effort to convert to. Unity 2D engine in my opinion is sub par to C2. Unity strength lies in it's vastly better work flow features. I may have made the suggestion once, but after getting my hands involved in both engines far more. yeah. C3 Unity, not the way to go.


    Thanks for the link. I have Playmaker, but I haven't used it at work. Playmaker is a similar Visual Programming, but I find C2 ES better balanced between coding and visual.

  • Mammoth, your better off just having have the EventSheet system re-created in Unity. C3 to Unity will never happen. Everything needs to be re-done from the ground up. I asked already for a Unity export.

  • Twinsonian

    The lack of growth ability is why I have been overly nudging Scirra staff and other devs that C3 should be on the horizon. As it is C2 really can't meet or offer enough access for better development tools. Everytime I need a plugin because of C2 ES limits I bang my head against the wall. So I agree strongly with this sentiment

    "I want to continue supporting Scirra, but if the product remains the same and is unable to really grow up in to a full pledged game creation studio, there are just far better options. Nothing personal -- I truly adore the Scirra guys, but money can be tight and there are a lot of options out there, including free."

    And as for easier programming access. I already did this. I wrote a simple behavior that would load js file into the HTML dom and execute it. Works great. However it's pretty early and I suspect I won't ever flesh it out enough.

  • I call these prefabs, but prefabs are from a different game engine. There has been requests for prefabs already.

    In the mean time the best you can do is this.

    Create an image of prefab of what you want.

    Create a named image point on the prefab image. The names match size and type for a switch case design.

    use the prefab sprite do determine which prefab you want.

    at runtime. cycle through the spritefab, and then cycle through the image points checking the name with a if statement. When it matches. create the object at the image point.

    it's a crummy way to do prefabs, but that's all there is right now. C2 I love prefabs, and so wish C2 had prefabs, but I don't think C2 can have them.

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  • As TiAm pointed out Ashley did do a 30fps, however it was a basic 30fps implementation. That design was based on working with the vsync and wasn't friendly. Ashley was never committed to the belief that there is any value in running less than 60fps so there is no way he is going to put the effort in for any modifiable fps.... of course let's selectively ignore that a large number of fantastic looking PS3/Xbo360 games ran at 30fps.... as is always ignored because it validates the point of 30fps.

    However even if you can't run at less than 30fps, doesn't mean you can't take advantage of better control FPS in the logic update. If the logic update could be run with at a variable fps with a dt accumulator. Then that would solve the problem. And while this was suggested, the response was "Saw no value".

    My suggestion. These discussions will go now where so not a lot of point of contstantly asking. your best solution is to just make a new set of plugins with a controllable dt, and logic update by custom kernel.

  • Cordova has a BlueTooth plugin. So that's your first direction. The second direction is you create,request or pay for a BT plugin in C2. So yes, C2 can do BT, but someone is going to have get into the nitty gritty.

  • Use wallclock

    there are those of us know that dt isn't reliable. Heck some people have written very nice long examples as to why jumps are shorter on mobile than they are on desktop. Due to the time instability.


    end time = Wallclock + 1 minute


    if wallclock > end time then timer over

    though, just remember to account for pausing.

  • What's your reference to indicate game size. If your using the number in the bottom right corner. That's estimated in memory use. As an artist I'm sure you already know that file size 1/4 or less of memory size.

  • Check The Blue Code Game. It's a PnC game.

  • Store the param from a function in a local variable below the function call. And you should be good.

  • Yes. Call backs are marvelous. However I want to add just a little bit of tech to this question.

    Reflection is the term used in programming languages that allow the ability to examine the program iteself. Reflection allows for seeing if function/methods exist, allows for checking if variabls, objects and classes exist. However Reflection mostly works on a scripting level, and is one of the technology slow points.

    Older languages such as C/C++ don't support Reflection at all. Also newer compiled langauges may support Relfection, but if you want the faster version of the compiled language then Reflection should turned off. Such as C# offers Reflection, but if you wan the code to be faster don't use it, and then tag the class to have Reflection off.

    So just as a general bit of practice avoid Reflection based programming, unless you have no choice.. such as javascript.

  • I agree with WarpedOldMan and this root object has been on my request list for some time. I feel it's too late for C2 and legacy development. However for better design structure there should be Plugin, behaviour and WorldObject. WHere World Object is pretty much a plugin. However the difference is that

    Sprite, SpriteFont, TileMap any visual should be a is a Behaviour. The Behaviour is referenced for drawing.

    I like construct and I think Ashley is an excellent programming, but as a Unity game programmer C2 has some counterproductive design.

    newt I disagree. Moving Sprite and other such rendering plugins to a Behavior would have no increase in difficulty of development, but would increase flexibility of design and in fact make game dev easier. Both developers in the C2 Events and the SDK developers will have greater design ability. It sounds strange, but it's one of those dev designs that I have used to much greater effect than Containers and proper multi level inhertance makes coding complicated objects much easier. Which i accept that we cannot have Families of Families. However right now there is no reason why we can't have a version of Sprite as a Behaviour.

    And to expand on the OP. Batch sprite objects would offer creative flexibility for group objects. Including grouped sprite objects. As of right now behaviors can't draw without some hacking around.

  • If you animating a sprite say a character walking or something that just animates a lot. Your better off creating an object for collision set to invisible. then pin the the animated sprite to the collision sensor.

    Using a high animated character for collision checking isn't good design. This is covered in the the primers.

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  • Ok couple of things.

    Collision works best at the root events. Ie not a sub event.

    OnCollision only occurs when Object A and B collide. Once overlapping OnCollision will not fire again until A and B are seperate.

    IsOverlapping occurs everytick while A and B poly's are overlapping.

    Unique collider poly shapes may cause unique results.


    OnCollision + Trigger once. Is useless as both meet the criteria of once.

    IsOverlaping + Trigger once. Is more desirable, but if that is the case. Then just use OnCollision.

    can you provide a minimal capx.