Jase00's Forum Posts

  • +1

    I end up accidentally moving the hotspot out of place when changing frames when handling the image point

  • Yes Ashley! <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • I've seen this mentioned before as a suggestion, and I can agree, it is nicer to be able to just flick through effects rather than having to select an effect and click "Ok". Not a majorly big problem, not even a problem at all actually, just convenience I guess :P

  • Loads of these water examples remind me of Gishs' physics in Gish for some reason lol

  • I agree with this suggestion, and would also like to mention that it would be nice to have multi-select in the animation editor too, to make it easier to delete, move into folders, ect (and maybe cut/copy/paste aswell)

    <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • +1

  • In the event-sheet editor, right click and choose "Add Local Variable" :P

  • I gotta say, the platformer behaviour handles slopes VERY well in Construct 2.

  • Awh man this is awesome! So much fun shooting down Facebook with this!

  • The latest C2 update, r120, now has awesome Z-Ordering features!

    Thank you x1,000,000 Ashley!

  • Yoyoyoyo

    Could it be possible to add an action to the Sine behaviour to change where it's movement is currently at?

    I have two instances where I need this, one where I'm creating objects that need to be started at different times, and one where I deactivate the sine movement and reactivate it another time and it's already half-way through it's cycle which looks bad.

    Thanks for reading!

  • Thanks very much sqiddster, I feel more confident to work with the A) method now :)

    In the universal "Items" sprite, there is lists of animations with just 1 frame for each animation (which is yeah, the icon), and the animation is named after the item (so then I'm able to call it in an event sheet to display the correct item according to what the Array says the item is) and it's doing fine for me, just yeah worried about later on if it might hit the performance. It would really suck if I loaded in 100 odd items then suddenly bam, lag. :P

    I guess the straightforward question is literally "Is having loads of 32x32 icons in one sprite a bad idea?"

  • Wagwun fellow developers

    So I'm currently making an inventory system, but I realised that my method may be very inefficient to the performance of the game.

    The general premise of the inventory is that it will be a slot-based system that will be stored via an Array. There will be MANY different items throughout the game that the player can collect, each with their own icon, but the inventory will only display about 16 items at a time.

    The amount of items is definitely going to be 100+. Each icon will have the dimensions 32x32.

    Now how do I display this and make adding items an easy task...


    I have 2 ideas on how to display/create the icons for the items in the Array when I load them

    A) (I'm currently doing this) Have all (100+) item icons of the items in one universal sprite called "Items", and name the animation whatever the item is, and display the animation according to what the item should be.

    B) Create a separate sprite for each and every icon and add it into a universal family and individually code a "create" function for every object (as you cannot "Create object by name", which is why idea A is excellent, due to being able to choose the animation by name).

    Now, I'm thinking that A) would mean that all of the items that exist in the game would be loaded all the time, which wouldn't be too nice on the VRAM. Whereas, B) would only load what is needed (I'm not entirely sure how C2 handles loading stuff)

    However, B) is very long-winded and could potentially be BAD perhaps because there would be 100+ individual sprite objects. But A) Would be all self contained.


    Thanks for reading!

  • I have a lot of experience with Sonic fangaming, infact, I used to have a fancharacter that was a green sonic! I remember it being quite a pain to make a Sonic engine in MMF2, (though I was newbie with all the logic at the time), but with the features that Construct 2 holds, I think it would be very easy to make a Sonic engine using just the Platform behaviour, and a lil bit of trig knowledge (Or just make it from scratch).

    Anyway, I tried fiddling around with your .capx, and I never really thought about how to prevent the character from flickering whilst against a wall with Constructs' platform behaviour, first thing I thought it was was that the collision of ZoniK changes as he runs/walks, so I created a universal sensor called "Player" that will always remain circular so that if you run against a wall, you will not flicker (ALTHOUGH He seems to flicker ONCE when you hold against a wall, not sure why... :( )

    There's a lot more you can do or I could do to help, but I lack the time :(

    Anyway, here you go.


    Goodluck man!

  • I too will be needing, down the road, a save/load system. But I was thinking if there was a way to export values to a .txt file and then have the system on load read those values in some way, you could then save to the local drive.

    But I have no idea if C2 is capable of out-putting to a text file.

    This + a lil ol' encryption, would be extremely useful!