Jase00's Forum Posts

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  • On the lowend laptop, It does use WebGL just fine, it just doesn't want to have to draw to such a high resolution. Stupid laptops these days with their ultra-weak intergrated graphics card, yet they boast about how they are in 720 HD. -.- Regardless, I'll just be patient and see if anything can be done about this <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    With the seam glitch that I mentioned, I don't get the seams when "previewing" my game, but once I export it as node webkit and open it up on my good computer, it has seams in tiles whenever the window is changed size, or if I use a "zoom" action inside the game, or anything at all. I wonder if anyone else is having this issue too or if I'm just missing something hah. I'm 100% sure that my graphics card drivers are up to date <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I noticed that on some low-end laptops, the user experiences a hefty framerate drop, but is raised when the window is shrunk, which led me to experiement with resoultion and come to the idea that, if there were to be a "Change resolution" mode (So that when the game runs, if the users monitor resoultion is 1366x768, it would drop to a lower one like 800x600) this would help people with lowend computers play games a lot smoother. Anybody agree?

    Also, I noticed the "seam" glitch that used to occur in games now no longer appears (Not sure when this happened but it's great :D) However, when using Node-Webkit, the seams come back when the window is scaled. I don't think this is a bug, but more so to do with the Node-Webkit side of things, but how would one go abouts fixing this? <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ah that's excellent :D I've already been designing my layouts this way so that's a relief. Thanks for the info!

  • Hi!

    I have had this question in my mind for ages. I thought I'd finally ask about it :P

    Say you have a platformer with a lot of tiles scattered throughout the stage.

    What would be more efficient-

    Making the tiles a "Solid"


    Disabling the collision for the tiles and having a long stretched out invisible sprite that is a solid that goes over the tiles.

    I don't know why, but I feel that there may be a performance hit from allowing every single tile to have collision, but lessening the collision detection by having a few sprites that are stretched across the tiles to detect, just sounds more efficient in my view.


  • Does this glitch link with this glitch?


  • EDIT: My post was completely wrong lol

  • Sure thing, man!

  • I agree that you won't be able to use a Function until it's created in the OnFunctionCall, but right now I can't use a variable until it's declared first. So I don't see difference.

    You stated a very good point, man. <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I remember Construct Classic was able to declare variables whilst using the "Set Value" action. I wish this would be brought back.

  • I believe there already is an update popup on steam-less version. If you are working on a project WITH your friend, I recommend you both keep up with the same versions of C2.

    I think you can also open .capx files with notepad and edit the Version of the file to match your version of Construct 2, which would allow you to open it but it's highly not recommended.

  • +1 for this!

    I believe it's currently not possible to alter the "position" of the sine behaviours course (like, say it's on "Opacity" setting and it's at 50 transparent, you can't just change it's path, only speed it up or slow it down. I can't explain it lol). The Sine behaviour needs more control too! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • iirc, C2 doesn't compile empty events.

    However, I agree with making it easier to sift through stuff to clear it up, especially sprites that do not exist on any layout- However, I do believe It may be a difficult glitchy thing to detect certain thing-

    Say we have the sound file, "Enemy1_Hit.ogg", and a Sprite with a variable called "Name" (which would be set to "Enemy1")

    Now, the sound is currently not being used in events. Now say we do a "Play sound" action, which isn't directly pointing to the "Enemy1_Hit.ogg" file, but rather [Sprite.Name & "_Hit"]. That would mean the sound would play correctly, yes; but the sound isn't directly being pointed at in the events- therefore, how would such a tool be designed to automatically "know" if the sound would be used or not when it's not directly used? Aha

  • Hey there,

    I'd just like to throw it out there that there is a bug I am occasionally encountering when typing replies. I will post a topic about it when it next happens; however, the only downside to the bug is that, when I click "Post Reply", it may randomly send me to a page on this website saying something about my authenticity or something. In confusion, I would hit "Back" on my browser and realise that my post didn't appear and all the text I had typed in the Quick Reply box is gone. I've written long posts and lost them this way, but I've learnt to "CTRL+A, CTRL+C" just before clicking Post Reply, and it has saved me; I simply paste it in the Quick Reply box and try again and volia! Posts just fine.

    I'm completely clueless at the moment on why it happens to me, I will randomly guess that it's something to do with loitering on a page for too long and then suddenly pressing a button on it makes the website freak out or something.

    Anyway, the suggestion is, could the box remember the text that was typed in for when I press "Back"? <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm going to have to disagree with most of this.

    Whilst I know exactly what it feels like to spend hours debugging only to realise that it's a stupid tiny little mistake that I made, the thing is, it can happen anywhere. For example, realising that an object is behaving strangely but turns out it was on an incorrect layer that had parallax scrolling. Once you have fixed the mistake though, you would probably remember in future to check the layering right away if another glitch were to occur.

    I believe the concept I'm trying to get across links with the problem you have, Whiteclaws, with the function being typed incorrectly; since you spent a hellish long time trying to figure out the problem and eventually did, you will most likely look through and verify function names if you realise code is not working correctly from now on.

    Anyway, in my humble opinion on the suggestion itself, I'd find a separate "Dropdown list" for functions personally not very useful, and having an error message occur when typing would cripple the Function tool. What if, like Ashley said, you wanted to call a function that had't just been evented yet- you'd get an error and that would be counterproductive. Unless the error message is just a little notification that pops up then fades away, then I can see a little bit of potential in that idea. One problem I once had was I accidently made a new function that already existed and had no idea of telling how until my brain decided to clock on and remind me lol. (That taught me to note down my functions on a commentbox that I have in my capx to prevent future issues). Not to mention how would the Function dialog work if a user typed in variable stuff like ["Load_" & Player.Something]- since there's no definitive "Function" right there unless the game is running, how would the interface know to show an error message or not?

    I have no idea why I wrote so much about this but yeah! <img src="smileys/smiley33.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ashley , I was referring to that awesome little chat popup thing that uses this forums' username/image and allow the forum users to chat :P