Jase00's Forum Posts

  • I find that when the platform is thin, the character can sometimes teleport through it when the framerate fluctuates or if the character moves too fast iirc.

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Not necessary I think.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Have a blank project or existing project

    2. Add a Function object

    3. Do the action "Call Function

    4. Click "Add Parameter" and BOOM.


    Observed result:

    Errors appear

    Expected result:

    Errors should not appear

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • This insight is very intersting.

  • Whilst I do agree with keeping things private, one argument I have in my mind, is...

    If you're making a software, and were to hunt for a competitors "to-do" list, wouldn't you just look at your competitors forum and see all the people making "Suggestion" topics and noticing the Admin saying "This has been added on the todo list!"? I mean, avoiding a list of upcoming features just means that a competitor has to do a little bit of forum research and then they'll get their answers.

    Again, I DO think it helps and adds to our suprise anyway, and I've noticed that almost all releases, Ashley never even hints about the features that will be in it and blows us away when it does get released. :P

  • I'm all for a PayPal plugin, but one from and tested by Scirra.com. That way at least I have some assurance that it's fairly safe.

    What I'd really love, however, is a plugin for BitCoin!


    Yes, then we can deploy our apps on silkroad! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I guess that would be the best idea... I will have to empty out the project though, it's pretty big, not sure when I'll have the time to do that, but I shall! Thanks!

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  • Ashley - That's what I thought; but it seems that whenever the sprites are onscreen, things get really laggy when around 5+ characters enter the screen. I've not optimised it so that characters are deactivated offscreen, so they behave just as they would onscreen and offscreen as of now, but it's just when the character is being rendered onscreen that it lags badly. Iirc I can get about 30 characters possibly whilst they are offscreen. I'm not sure why. The only event that is run at every tick is a "For Each" loop for each and every clothing sprite, to position itself on the character, and set its angle to the bodypart that it is on.

    Everything else, layering, changing animation, changing animation frame, all happens on the "On frame changed" trigger from the body of the character. I've done other small things too, like disable collisions for the clothing sprites, but it hasn't done too much lol.

    Thanks for your input!

  • Bumpity

    Yeah it's probably not good practise to triple post, but I'd like to ask something since I needed opinions/technical advice.

    So, I implemented the Canvas object and here's the method I done:

    -Have all the sprites that make up the character positioned offscreen.

    -Canvas positions to the offscreen sprites whenever there's a new frame of animation on the character and pastes all the sprites onto the canvas.

    -Canvas always positions at Player object.

    This works, pretty well to be honest. The framerate comparison from having 10 character detailed with Canvas is like 80fps compared to 25fps if I was using the sprites onscreen without a canvas

    (usually framerate is much higher, 120fps+)

    Thing is, each time the frame of the character changes, it's got to erase, then paste about 20 sprites into the Canvas, which I believe would be a big hit on performance. Am I right? I believe having all frames be pre-rendered in the canvas, then switching between the pre-rendered frames. Even though I don't think a plugin like that currently exists, would this all technically be a big deal?

    I had another question, but I've literally forgotten it (it is 3:22am here at the moment) but yeah, any input is good input :)


  • Personally, I think you should dive right in to making a game!

    Think of a good idea, then, research (or ask the forum for opinions) on how difficult it would be to make that sort of game, and then just...go fot it! When you run into problems, take a peek at the manual, and if that fails, ask here again, or keep trying to figure it out. Never give up!

    Ofcourse, thinking "I WANNA MAKE A MMORPG WITH REALLY COMPLICATED SYSTEMS AND WOAOWHOH" is gonna be difficult to dive into, but...well...do what you want, really! You're only limited by your own imagination; there's always a way to create a 2D game in C2!

    Good luck!

  • Woah..the logo and the heads worked VERY smoothly on my Galaxy S1!

  • I believe you can export to Linux through the "Node Webkit" exporter. It creates an app for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. :)

  • Is it bad practice/inefficient to use inverted 'Pick by UID'?

    Thank you! :D

  • Yann

    Hmm, that sounds like it might work actually. However, I'm currently on the version below and don't really feel like tampering with this just yet XD Thanks!

  • Using "Object UID exists" isn't good as I can't refer to the specific object. There's probably a way round it but I'm failing to figure it out in my mind.

    Yann I am pretty much having the same problem as you with your nodal system; I NEED to "Unpick" an object. My combat system requires the attacker to be unpicked from being attacked. Now all the characters just hit themselves since they are no longer "unpicked", rather than hitting the character in front of them. :(

  • Whilst I love this update, It's broken my whole clothing engine, along with my combat system in my project. I'll work with it though, it's better in the long run :P

    EDIT: Actually, No, this is so difficult to work around. Rolling back to previous update :(