Yeah it's probably not good practise to triple post, but I'd like to ask something since I needed opinions/technical advice.
So, I implemented the Canvas object and here's the method I done:
-Have all the sprites that make up the character positioned offscreen.
-Canvas positions to the offscreen sprites whenever there's a new frame of animation on the character and pastes all the sprites onto the canvas.
-Canvas always positions at Player object.
This works, pretty well to be honest. The framerate comparison from having 10 character detailed with Canvas is like 80fps compared to 25fps if I was using the sprites onscreen without a canvas
(usually framerate is much higher, 120fps+)
Thing is, each time the frame of the character changes, it's got to erase, then paste about 20 sprites into the Canvas, which I believe would be a big hit on performance. Am I right? I believe having all frames be pre-rendered in the canvas, then switching between the pre-rendered frames. Even though I don't think a plugin like that currently exists, would this all technically be a big deal?
I had another question, but I've literally forgotten it (it is 3:22am here at the moment) but yeah, any input is good input :)