JaredNDumont's Forum Posts

  • Well I changed the loopindex - 1 to just loopindex and then realized when I set global variable animation I was setting it to the wrong x element. I changed it and it worked. I deeply appreciate your help. I knew I was doing something wrong, but we all need to learn at some point.

    Its now working exactly how I wanted and thank you again.

  • I’ll post the file up later but the loop index - 1 refers the the repeat event, since the repeat event is not a 0 based index I just subtract 1 from the loop index for the y elements

  • The animation variables is just for the crafted item, I was originally having trouble take a string from the array and using it the change sprites animation. I later figured out how to do and I haven’t went back and changed that.

    So each crafting slot in the crafting grid corresponds to an x element in “array2”

    Then I use Ajax to load the preset array.json into “array”

    When I put a crafting recipe into the crafting grid I check 0-3 x element of “array” to 0-3 x element of “array2” to see if the recipe is the same and if so then 4 x element of “array” is the item to be crafted

    What is happening, is when I put the correct recipe into the crafting grid. I am not getting any crafted item or anything. “Array” currently has 3 recipes that’s why the height of the array is 3. Each recipe is one x row long.

    If I’m still not explaining it well then I’m more than happy to add my c3p file

  • Hi there I've been working on a 2D survival sandbox game inspired by Forager, Minecraft, Stardew Valley and so on. I am currently trying to create a crafting system like Minecraft. Inside the main inventory I have a 2 by 2 craft grid. Each crafting box corresponds to a 1D array.

    So the top left spot is at "array2"[0] the top right is at "array2"[1] and so on.

    Next I have a array.json in files that has present values so I can compare "array2" to. The preset array is loaded into "array"

    After all the setup, every time I put an item into the crafting grid I call the crafting function. I check each x element to "array2" but nothing ever happens.

    So I don't know what I've done wrong, I can see "array2" update every time I put an item in the crafting grid. Looking at the code it looks right but obviously I messed up somewhere.

  • Thank you very much, it’s definitely as easy as it seems now I can actually see the code and go through it and read it step by step. Definitely going to post it online so others can use it to create their own project

  • Hi there I’m currently prototyping a sandbox survival game and I’ve messed around with some perlin noise before on example projects. I understand the mechanics behind how using noise to generate stuff works. The biggest part I’m having trouble grasping is how to create noise shaped like an island and then store it into a array. I would also like to know how to change the size of the noise to something like 400x400 or 600x600.

    I know the forum has many posts about it but I don’t have a good handle on random generation yet as I am still teaching my self. If someone could help me out and even go so far to make a simple project that stores the noise into a array so I can see it and use the data to generate a terrain that would be awesome

    This is what I want my basic world to look like:

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  • Is there a example project available so I can look at the code and break down each part or are you able to create a example project for me to look at?

  • I am currently working on a minecraft 2d like clone and in my generation code I would like to spawn trees that are comprised of multiple blocks in a certain pattern. I have looked it up and haven't really found anything. Now I understand that I could have multiple create objects actions in an event in a function but I would like something a little bit cleaner. Maybe something stored in a JSON files and uses an array to extract the JSON info and create a tree in the game at a starting position.

  • Not really a question,I figured you saw my reply to my question. I had figured out a mechanic for it and posted a video on yt then posted the video as a reply here for anyone to view and ask questions about it. then I saw your reply and from what I know about tile maps, I basically made my own tile map using sprite object

  • I basically did but spawning objects next to the water block to act as collision detection. I assume it’s close to the tile map but the hard way

  • Here is a proof of concept of the water mechanic

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  • Hi there, I have always wanted to make a Minecraft 2D game and I have made some with Gamemaker but since switching to construct 3. I would like to make a good one. I have never been able to make water work and I know the basic logic to do so just not the ability to code it. I want the water block to see if there is a empty space next to it and if so create another water block next to it in the empty space. I did some quick Messing around before construct crashed and it worked to make the water block if there was an empty space next to it but unfortunately it would just keep making water block even if it sensed a non water block was next to it. I was using the if overlapping offset condition to check if place was free and then using an instance var to keep it if the offset detected a non water block. I will definitely mess more with it soon but just wondering if anyone knows how to do this. Note I’m not looking for a physic behavior simply just to check if either side of the block is free and if so then create a water block next to it


  • Can you upload a cp3 file and I can see if I can get it to work then comment it for you

  • You should be able to make each player object Solid so when they fall on top of one they stand on top but when you jump they both jump

  • Make a new event

    When bullet object is created then set bullet object angle to player.angle. This should only trigger once when created and make the bullet move in the direction of the player when shooting and it should keep moving in said direction