jakobdam's Forum Posts

  • suji - I think the best solution is to create a direct shortcut, so it's executed as a web app...

    In Safari:

    • Tap the square box with the arrow going up
    • In the bottom row of icons, scroll right and choose "More"
    • choose "Add to Home Screen"

    An icon will be created on your home screen. When you open through that, the address bar will be gone.

  • Thanks iceangel

    I'm already working on 3 new games; Construct 2 is so damn easy to get results with!

    I will also keep on updating my current 2 games that I've already published; when they reach a certain stage of finish, I'll make them available directly on iOS App Store and Google Play. As for now, they still lack some polish in .... everything... ^_^

  • For me, it's like any other skill; do you enjoy a nice photograph if you yourself are a photographer? Do you get caught up in a good (short) movie, if you are a movie director? Can you enjoy and immerse yourself in other people's music if you're a musician - etc...

    For me, the answer is yes; unless the subject has obvious faults; but that would apply even if I weren't proficient in making a similar thing or not.

  • It looks like a great idea! Fast and simple gameplay - personally, I'd opt for a much more saturated and color-intensive palette, due to the simple and bouncy feel of the game.

  • neverk -

    What the.....! I'm seriously gonna have to take a look at faking 3D; I had an idea of trying to do something similar to what Carmack did with Wolfenstein 3D, but abandoned it because I didn't think it'd be possible. But here you are, proving me very wrong indeed!

  • Wow - pretty cool, and works nice and fluently

    I assume it's not done in Construct 2, but ...... maybe Unity...?

    Either that, or you can do some pretty extreme tricks in Construct that I'd really like to know

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Update:

    Aaaahhh I found out that the polygon I'd made for the collission detection, wasn't used in any of the other frames for the cow (it consists of a simple 5-frame animation).

    The game is now updated, and minor things have been redesigned to look a little less amateurish.

    The link is the same as in my first post.

  • Overman >

    Yes, the collision is indeed bounding box; I didn't know about polygon detection before lately; construct 2 doesn't feature pixel-level collission detection, but I'm adjusting the polygon detection now.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • It's quite important to ensure that things behave at the same speed across devices. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/67/del ... dependence

  • I'm guessing the lack of "Dt" or wrong use of "Dt". Do you use it?

  • My 2nd game is finished; Chain Popper. It's a chain reaction game with 15 levels and highscore and save/load functionality.


    LINK - play it here:

    http://www.deepartmedia.com/index.php?p ... hainpopper

    I learned a lot about Construct 2 during the making of my first game, and even more during this one.

    A third game is underway, but this may take rather long to finish, so for now, I'll probably start more small projects; I like to have 2-3 ongoing developments, so I can switch between them, whenever I hit something annoying in one of the projects. ^_^

  • Yeah, performance is not poor with my devices - as stated, I also tested on my iPhone... I don't have anything weaker than that right now - in a few days, I'll have access to my entire test repertoire again, but I don't think it'll matter much.

    It sounds like what you're experiencing is an issue that is common for all devices when they're low on memory; so do check your available memory on the devices that stutter.

    What you can also do, is make a "save as"-version of your game, and create a simple steering, which doesn't involve physics; then you can pin point if physics are creating the issue for you here.

  • Tested on iPhone 5, iPad 4 and Windows PC in Chrome and Firefox; no problems - no lag at all.

    My PC's GPU is at ~65%, which isn't anywhere near tuff. My CPU is at ~15% - likewise, this isn't bad at all...

    Maybe you test platform is the issue? How much free RAM do you have? Fx. try and install MemoryInfo or a similar app that can cleanse your RAM (so you don't have to reboot the device).

    Also; are you using Safari or another browser, for testing?

  • Ok - if your iPad can play my game smoothly, but cannot handle your game, then there's some funny business going on...

    You've read the optimization guide (as you say in your first post) - but there may have been a few things that you have missed (I can almost always find new stuff to optimize when I go through my projects).

    • As far as I've seen, using a sprite font can save you a lot of performance; especially if the text moves. It doesn't look like yours does here, but I don't get the whole picture of what you game is like from seeing the screendump... It may be relevant to you, it may not - either way, it shouldn't cause an extreme performance drop or improvement.
    • Sprite instances that are spawned (create object) but never destroyed when they should be, is a major issue for many; go through all your "destroy sprites" routines, and make sure than you don't have leftovers when coming from one level to the next (if that's relevant in your game).
    • Rotation is a major performance dropper - especially if used with transparency stuff and/or scaling. I.e. the worst you can do is making a sprite rotate while it changes size and becomes gradually invisible.
    • It could also be the many physics objects that you mention; but on your PC, install a GPU meter; then check your GPU performance. How does it scale when running the game? If your PC's GPU-usage exceeds 80%, while your CPU stays relatively low, then it's probably not physics related.
  • Thanks

    I've updated a bit here and there - optimizations...

    And I've also added a screendump to my original post, so it's easier for ppl to preview what it is.