You are just learning to think in a higher/more global level..
It comes with age, and it comes with experience in whatever field you work on..
As a profesional musician and composer i can tell you with music it happens all the time...
Playing an instrument is more about "being in the moment", and inevitably one ends going thru all those mental paradigms, wich will be too long to describe.. but it's something very internal/first person/"in the moment", also because it's physical..
Thing is, dosen't matter how deep/far you go with that (and it goes to infinity)... but the moment you start thinkin about Harmony, Music Composition, Structure, Production and so on from the more global point of view that music composition/production requires.. your mind/way of thinkin develops and, you inevitably end thinking on a more global level/plateau..
It's surely possible to come back to the lower level and experience the first person thing again.. it just it takes concentration, and being on a quiet place, somewhere with not too much external stimulus..
And perhaps also the will to focus fully into what you're doing, not letting the mind drift in subliminal thoughts..
If not you can wait til 4:20..