jack05282's Forum Posts

  • I've some experience in handling longer development cycles (though not gaming related but IT related) and I think the games I've made gave me an understanding of how to handle it.

    But I think its a bad idea for me to go to kickstarter. Thanks for your opinion.

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  • Hi, I'm a indie developer. I've made two games

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/shooting- ... le-10-1936

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/multiplay ... opler-2082 and released them to Android.

    I have an idea for another game which is bigger in scope. I want to team up with an artist and do it. It could be time consuming and I need to work full time on it. I am planning to start a kickstarter campaign.

    Do you think that it will work. Does the backers take my two games seriously and fund me based on my previous work and my pitch. Need your thoughts.


  • The art and the creature looks nice.

  • Hi,

    I made a game. A minimal yet increasingly complex shooting game. Shoot the enemies and don't let them become 10. Careful with your bullets that don't hit the target.

    Play it on Scirra Arcade: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/shooting- ... le-10-1936 and

    Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... udpadGames

    Would like to here your comments. Please do share with your friends if you like it.


  • Thank You

  • Thank you very much, that's perfect!

  • Hi,

    I have been trying to trail the path of a moving ball. Can anyone explain me how to do it, if its possible.

    For example like in this game.


  • AllanR Thanks for your solution. I combined it with another one and got what I want. Its very helpful.

    • Post link icon

    You can do a math.

    How to do:

    create instance radians = 0;

    create instance degrees= 0;

    create instance radius = 100; // random radius

    initial.x = 50; // random primary x position

    initial.y = 50; // random primary y position

    Every Thick

    degrees = degrees + 5; // each time degrees is increased by 5 degrees

    radians = degrees * Math.PI/ 180;

    sprite.y = initial.y + Math.sin(radians) * radius // because sin A = y/r

    sprite.x = initial.x + Math.cos(radians) * radius // because cos A = x/r

    I've been struggling to get this circular movement right, and finally your solution worked best for me..Thanks a lot.

  • Hi I have an object that should change directions

    from clockwise to anticlockwise and viceversa on button left or right arrow down.

    For that I wrote two events for button downs.

    For clockwise

    and for anticlock wise, I just replaced sin by cos and cos by sin.

    Now when changing directions the object is not starting from where it stopped. It is disappering from there and generating at a random point on the circumference. Can someone help me with this.?


  • Thank you, much appreciated. Did the job.

  • Hi, I want to toggle speed of object on tapping anywhere on screen. Initially I have global variable "speed" set to 200. I wrote an event like

    1. On tap gesture & Speed = 200 --> set speed to 100

    2. On tap gesture & Speed = 100 --> set speed to 200

    It seemed to do nothing, then I wrote

    1. On tap gesture & Speed = 200 --> set speed to 100

    2. On tap gesture & Speed = 100 --> set speed to 300

    Now on one single tap gesture, the speed is being set to 300.

    I wrote the same thing with Keyboard:any key pressed. The same thing is happening. Can anyone explain whats happening here and a work around.

  • They can!

    Movies are also supposed to be for entertainment only (at least the fictional one) but they have been known to forge opinions and "convey knowledge" of lands/history/people - they are the ones that have the most effect on us (from the entertainment industry)

    I don't really understand the concept of preachy - you are the director/producer and you are presenting an idea supported by visuals in a form of a game to the public, they either like it or not. When they view your idea they have to consider what you may have wanted to convey and/or why the characters make such choices, in the context of their own experience.

    Some people think that the Matrix is preachy, so I wouldn't worry about it

    My advise would be, if you are interested in doing such a project - make sure that a game is story driven and make sure to make the locations/environment stand out.

    This wouldn't necessarily bring to change, but it may make people aware of a message or an event, if they are interested enough, they can look further into it (remember, they may not be aware such a thing exist at all) and at some point they will have to make a choice.

    When I play video games for a while, I get reminded by it for a long time when I do something..just like how meditation makes you mindful. So if this is the case for most of us, I thought, why not use this effect in a positive way. Like not trashing the surroundings, taking care of leaky taps, unused lamps..like that, taking care of them in auto pilot mode.

  • People know when they are being preached at, usually, often it turns them off or they ignore it. Or they dump it.

    yep, I think we tend to get away from something if the unpleasant feeling it causes supersedes the pleasant feeling..If the level of preciseness exceeds the entertainment it provides...

  • Very good for you bro...