Locked icon Circle Movement?

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You can change amount and speed of circles, length of lines and etc. Only 6 events.
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    Hey all, do you have a good idea how to make a circle movement using sine or something else?

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    Here's a way:

    circularMovement.capx (r99)

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    You can do a math.

    How to do:

    create instance radians = 0;

    create instance degrees= 0;

    create instance radius = 100; // random radius

    initial.x = 50; // random primary x position

    initial.y = 50; // random primary y position

    Every Thick

    degrees = degrees + 5; // each time degrees is increased by 5 degrees

    radians = degrees * Math.PI/ 180;

    sprite.y = initial.y + Math.sin(radians) * radius // because sin A = y/r

    sprite.x = initial.x + Math.cos(radians) * radius // because cos A = x/r

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    Hey Nimtrix and TELLES0808 Thanks for helping me :D!

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    What about circle movement with pathfinding?

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    What about circle movement with pathfinding?

    Farsight Use animation to make fake circle animation, you wouldn't alternate the pathfinding movement using sine behavior

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    i already find another way without pathfinding) i create big circle sprite, its invisible on start and have spin behavior. And when unit appears its pin to circle <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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    You can do a math.

    How to do:

    create instance radians = 0;

    create instance degrees= 0;

    create instance radius = 100; // random radius

    initial.x = 50; // random primary x position

    initial.y = 50; // random primary y position

    Every Thick

    degrees = degrees + 5; // each time degrees is increased by 5 degrees

    radians = degrees * Math.PI/ 180;

    sprite.y = initial.y + Math.sin(radians) * radius // because sin A = y/r

    sprite.x = initial.x + Math.cos(radians) * radius // because cos A = x/r

    I've been struggling to get this circular movement right, and finally your solution worked best for me..Thanks a lot.

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    Thank you Nimtrix...

    And please explain me to rotate the same object in reverse order... which you provided in the sample..

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    - try subtracting dt rather adding dt to t.

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    Thank you Nimtrix...

    And please explain me to rotate the same object in reverse order... which you provided in the sample..

    Just change the sin and cos around.

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