jakobdam's Forum Posts

  • Looking good - cool caricature drawing style! Looking forward to see more of the game art!

  • That is seriously wickedly cool!

  • It does look very promising, but not at all that finished and polished as C2 - but hey, it's free as in free...

    IMHO I'd much rather have C2 Free, and live with the limitations, until I felt confident enough to upgrade to a Personal or Business license.

    But I think it's good to have this comparison ongoing once in a while; frameworks often change a lot over short periods of time.

  • Cool concept! Wouldn't take long to make in Construct 2 either ^_^ - great graphics btw., and looks very polished. Also - and most importantly - it's fun to play

    There are so many games that inspire me - some for their graphics, some for their sound, some for their easy casual pick-up-and-play style etc...

    Of late, some of the coolest graphics I've seen design-wise, are:

    Back to Bed

    • Cool 3D graphics in a surreal Dali-inspired setting.

    Little Big Planet 1+2

    • Not really new games, but it's so inspiring just opening them and playing through a few levels. There's also some extremely nice game mechanics, and everything is balanced so perfectly neat; from the controls/steering to the level difficulties.


    • So cool; extremely creative 2D-platformer style. Really shows a great alternative the more classic approach with pixel-graphics, and that many colors are not always needed.
  • I did some digging before I bought my Construct 2 license, and went from considering buying through Steam, to definitely not wanting to. So I bought directly from Scirra - which I can deeply recommend.

    Less trouble, less fuss, more flexibility.

  • Thanks all! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

    I consider the game done for version 1, revision 1, which is the first milestone for me. r2 will feature multiple highscores, stuff such as "buy powerups for the points you earn in the games you play", other skins for your cow (Jersey cow is a top priority) etc....

    The latest version for now, is here:


  • True that, but he asked about his own web, which to me suggests he want more control with the layout around the game... But you're completely right - submitting it to Sierra Arcade is, of course, a very valid option

  • I don't know Weebly, but don't they have FTP-access...?

    If yes, simply use a FTP program; I'd recommend the free open-source FileZilla.

    1) Log on to your domain using the ftp credentials

    2) Create a folder for your game

    3) Upload

    That's it...

    If, on the other hand, you DON'T have FTP access, then you have a problem. Then I'd recommend you to buy your own domain at a web hotel that gives you FTP-access.

  • Oooooh sorry man - I read "character" as a "person" (character <=> sprite), I see now that you meant character as in abcd... d'oh! That certainly changes everything! ^_^

  • I guess this link can help...?


    Or do you mean during runtime in Construct 2...? Is yes, I'd probably have one textfield replace the corresponding sprite at the same coordinate...

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Update - now in the first revision of version 1.

    Lots of updates;

    The collissions misbehaved a lot, and the particles for the bursts didn't match the boundary circle sprite, of which I made the collissions. This is fixed now, by means of math, which I had the time to figure out this weekend.

    Also - nicer and more rich graphics all over.

    Still a lot to do, but now, it's somewhat playable.

    I've tested on Chrome for Windows 7, iPhone 5 and iPad 4th gen - nice fluent experience on across these platforms.

    Multitouch seeds planting works for iPhone and iPad also; pretty cool effect on level 8 and onwards...

    Here's the link to the update:

  • Ah! I searched for "thousand separator" and "million separator" ^_^

  • OOOOH and I just saw the other links - when I read the manual, I did wonder if regex could do the trick - and voila! And now I also learned about functions in Construct!

    I'm getting exponentially happier and happier for Construct as I learn it - DAMN it's PERFECT for me! It's like sculpting with very easy to use tools aka "make dinosaur button", and then being able to dive in with more precise tools, to make exactly what you want and need!

    Uuuuh time to play with regular expressions now! Thanks again!

  • Thanks a lot, R0J0hound, may I ask how you found these threads...? I tried searching here and directly on Google, and came up empty handed... Also tried the manual of course, but no dice... ^_^

    I'd hoped for a thing similar to how "round" works, just with a parameter setting - but this is also a very viable workaround/solution you've linked to here! So thanks a bunch!