jakobdam's Forum Posts

  • Here's a screendump showing where the icon files are (red ring marks the spot) - just double click on any of them, and replace the graphics inside.

    Remember to replace all of them if you export for multiple devices.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • For website use, I think that there would be too many issues using Construct 2. But it probably depends on what you want.

    Nowadays, reponsive websites are the new black - and this is either impossible or extremely hard to attain, using Construct 2 as your only developing tool.

    If you want to combine Construct and HTML5, CSS3 etc. - then yeah, it can be done. But then I'd much rather go with jQuery for fancy effects, and frankly I'd avoid canvas and WebGL. But it depends very much on what you want; fx. if you want your users to navigate with a plane to open up certain parts of your website, Construct can easily do the job. But you want a more traditional approach, I'd advice you to do it more... traditionally.

    Also, as I make everything dynamic and my backend is PHP/MySQL, I'd personally be at a loss of how to to that with Construct. Maybe I'll learn some nifty tricks after a while; I'm a newcomer to Construct, but a seasoned web developer. ^_^

  • Just a Flappy Birds clone; I added a proper END-screen, coins for double points, lives for extended game play and changing the difficulty on the run. There's also some particles added - mostly so that I could see how the game performs on my iOS-devices. After some performance optimization and tweaking, the performance is really good on even the iPhone 5 now.

    Trivial things such as a simple highscore keeper at the END-screen is also added. Oh yeah, and the cow is farting - it's a different explosion than the one occuring when you hit a bar, with more than 1 life.