iwontnamemyself's Forum Posts

  • rexrainbow

    I'm having a board/chess/gridMove issue with my match-3 style slider game. Would it be ok if I PM'ed you with the file?

  • rexrainbow - So we can create a chess if there is no tile below it now?

  • I actually tried that already, but it wasn't working. I'll try it again though.

  • rexrainbow - Does this new feature "action:create" eliminate the need for the layout_to_board plugin?

  • rexrainbow - Is there a way to add a single chess to a group of a different color? In my game, I have power-ups that need to be triggered if they are next to a group of "the same color" and I think the easiest way to accomplish this is to include the power-up in the group it is next to.

  • xoros - thank you for the example. I'll give it a shot.

    rexrainbow - I tried using your slg movement plugin, but I don't understand it at all and I haven't been able to figure out how to get it to work for me in my game. I'm actually working on 2 versions of my game; 1 with your plugins and 1 without. Whenever I get stuck, I switch to the other project to see if I can figure it out and then switch back to the other one. ...if that makes sense. lol

  • xoros - How did you implement your "flood fill" algorithm? I'm working on a match 3 (ish) game that has the potential of having some pretty big matches ( >10) and haven't been able to figure out how to get the match part working. I can find a match on a single row or column, but like you, I need to be able to search in all directions for each match.

  • PixelRebirth - This is awesome! Thank you so much for the example!!!

    I do have a question though. How would I go about checking for matches at specific locations instead of the entire board? In my game, I want to check for matches only on a single row or column and leave the remainders on the board.

    [edit]Also, is there a way to move multiple piece's together, instead of just swapping 2?[/edit]

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  • j0schi - Do you have over 8000 objects on the screen at one time, or are you spawning 8000 objects over the course of the game?

    May I suggest, if it's possible, to turn the visibility off and add a visibility check before anything is suppose to interact with them. That way, all your code only acts when they are visible, so you're not having to create and destroy a ton of objects. Then you can reposition and make them visible again when you need them.

  • PixelRebirth - Do you think it would be possible for you to post a tutorial or some documentation for this plugin? The link attempts to describe the documentation, but it's all in javaScript and really doesn't translate well to C2. Viewing the link just leaves you with tons questions that go unanswered.

  • j0schi - The more objects you create and spawn, the more the cpu is used. Take an infinite runner game for example, particularly temple run. There is an infinite board and there are a serious of 10 or so coins to collect in spurts the entire way. If you were to create the random board (which is needed in that type of game) and create new coins after each one is collected (my ex-boyfriend's daughter hit over a million coins collected and she's only 8) that would use well over 50% of the cpu. At the very least and that's far more taxing than any program should be.

    But...if you just move the same 10 coins or 20 coins as they are being collected, the player will never notice the move and it'll save the fps and cpu.

    Kyatric offers this link in ddaan9 's post about spawning vs. visibility


    Then again...if you're only creating a couple objects and you never destroy them , your cpu and fps rate probably won't even budge.

  • R0J0hound - That's exactly what I thought too. It sounds like such a logical and obvious solution, but I haven't been able to get it working. Over the last couple days, I've tried using every combination I can think of in the same manner you've suggested, using nested conditions, non-nested conditions and different combinations of loops. I thought maybe I was missing an easier solution, but if you're suggesting the same thing I've been thinking, then I must be on the right track, so I'll keep plugging away at it.

  • LittleStain - I didn't explain things properly. Sorry about that.

    There are 2 different objects involved.

    The first overlap picks the "enemy" sprites that are overlapping a "laser" sprite. Then the second overlap picks the "enemy" sprites that are overlapping other "enemy" sprites that are overlapping the "laser" sprite.

  • Is there an way of checking if a sprite is overlapping a sprite, which is overlapping a different sprite? What I'm trying to do is pick the sprites that contain a specific variable and check if those sprites are overlapping each other and if they are, then check if they also overlapping this one other sprite. Right now I have:

    System->pick all, is overlapping

    Subevent->System->pick all, is overlapping

    but it doesn't work all the time AND it keeps the original overlapped sprites picked and I don't want that.

  • Setting the position wreaks less havoc on the cpu. The more objects you create throughout the life of the program, the more negative the more the cpu is bogged down. You obviously won't see a difference with only one object, but when you have more than 20 spawning and being destroyed, over and over again, you can see a major difference.

    If you're looking to move it to another place on screen that's visible, you can always set it to invisible on collision, move the sprite, then when it's time, set it to visible.