rexrainbow Thank you so much for all you contributions to C2. They really have made life a lot easier! On that note, I've decided to integreate your Board, SquareTx and LayoutToBoard plugins in a grid-based puzzle game I'm creating and have come to a slight speedbump. I've read through this entire board and spotted a couple posts between you and
Raziel that sound exactly like what I need, but there was no answer to his question and doesn't appear to have been an update that rectified his problem.
There is a "wrap" behavior for objects. If applied they reappear on the other side when leaving the layout.
I want a similar effect for the board itself. You can see on the screenshot that I reached the border of the board. There is white space.
I wanted the board to be placed there instead of the white space.
So that one cannot see the borders of the board as it is placed seamlessly.
e.g. my board is 10x10 tiles. When I reach tile 0,9 and go another step to the right I am on tile 0,0 again and also do not see white space but tiles instead.
I know how to place the chess there again, when reaching end of the board. But I would like to have a non visible end of the board.
As I use unbound scrolling there is a white space instead.
So what I ask for is kind of an infinite board feature where you can keep going in one direction without seeing the end of layout.
Hope it makes more sense now. 11:16:38
Okey~ I will try to make another behavior "board wrap" for this purpose, when I had updated my all plugins to support save/load system.rexrainbow2013-04-16 04:07:53
What I'm looking to do is: On a touch, pick the sprite touched and then according to which direction (vertical or horizontal) a swipe is, move the tiles in that row or column, then once they reach the opposing edge of the board, have them "wrap" back around to the opposite side. I've been working on a masking solution for this, but I'm not sure how it will affect/alter the Board and logic location of the info contained by each sprite that was moved.
So my question is:
Raziel - Were you ever able to figure out a solution to this problem?
rexrainbow - Did you ever create a plugin/behavior that accomplishes this task? If not, do you have a clue that will help me figure this out? Thanks again!!!