[Plugin]Board, Layout2Board [Behavior] Grid Move

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Snap to visible grid - perfect solution for any game genre
  • questions keep popping up sorry

    anyhow . is there any smart way to create edges in a "layout to board" kind of way ?

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  • Kali

    Uh, sorry, "layout to board" does not support putting edge now. I have no idea about using grid feature of layout editor to place edges.

  • hehe absolutely no need to be sorry I'm just lazy and just wanted to make sure that I wasn't doing my level design the "hard" way

  • Kali

    A better solution is using C2 to create a "board editor" to place tiles,chess,edges.. etc.

  • yep that's what i'm trying to do now... i might just store all level information in a array (the levels are quite small and simple) and then make a board building function to layout the tiles and edges

  • Kali

    I am also thinking about saving/loading board, or saving/loading sprite without using official save/load feature.

    I had made a plugin named "sprite bank" before, but it had not maintained anymore...

    Anyway, using custom events to save/load is more flexible I thought.

  • Hi

    I'm trying to use the Dragging Vetctor behavior and i have a problem. I have five instances of the same sprite on the layout. this sprite has the the dragging vetctor behavior. When i drag one of these instances with the mouse the result is that all the sprites moves to the drag direction. What am i doing wrong?

    Thanks for the help.

  • pvassiliadis

    Sent PM to you.

  • Update:

    rex_board: now action:Create could create chess without stand on a tile, if set "Check condition" to "ignore tile checking" in this action.

    And there is another new member of board series - rex_logicmask to create/move on a very large board.

  • rexrainbow - Does this new feature "action:create" eliminate the need for the layout_to_board plugin?

  • rexrainbow - Does this new feature "action:create" eliminate the need for the layout_to_board plugin?

    No, it is designed for create chess before create tile. User needs to create tile first if set stand on a tile mode, like previous case.

  • rexrainbow - So we can create a chess if there is no tile below it now?

  • rexrainbow - So we can create a chess if there is no tile below it now?

    Yes, but the other plugins like rex_matcher/rex_slg_movement still checks tiles (lz=0), since tiles are the only necessary chess in each logical position. A logical position is ignored in these plugins if there is no tile placed.

    Creating chess without checking tile is used to create chess before tile. For example, designer could save all chess in a logical position, then create them, in any order.

  • rexrainbow;

    I think I found a minor bug in Board in "Pick Neighbor chess origin to direction". In Hex mode if I use -2 (for direction) and lower or 6 and higher I get a crash error. It is fine for direction, -1 to 5 inclusive (and I love -1 which picks all 6!!!).

    I am new so maybe I should have posted this somewhere else.

    Anyway--its a great addon.

    thankyou for your time

  • winkr7

    Thanks. I had fixed it, please download rex_board plugin again.

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