I seem to be having the strangest issue with my game..
Every 20 seconds.. like clockwork... the game's CPU % drops (appearing to use less CPU as even if i look at the profile, everything 'drops' like it's not being used as much) which seems like it means it would be a boost in performance due to less CPU %...
but the issue is the FPS also drop to just over half from ~60 to ~35.... i've tried disabling things like enemy spawning, and other timed events so literally its just the player standing in the middle of the map with nothing happening around him and every 20 seconds it happens... FPS drops and CPU% drops. lasts about 5 seconds and then goes back up to about 20% cpu (from about 8-12) and the FPS goes back up to ~60...
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I've disabled a bunch of systems to see which one is possibly causing this.. my next session will be me sitting down and stripping out sprite by sprite to see if that helps pinpoint the issue... but it seems so paradoxical... wouldnt the CPU dropping mean an increase in FPS not a decrease?
Any help would be huge...
Thank you so so much!