imhotep22's Forum Posts

  • Okay so I did some reading, and it turns out the arcade blocks any external url on purpose for security measures.

    Currently the Arcade only supports the built-in plugins and behaviors, except for the platform specific plugins (like the Windows 8 object). Also, the Browser object has limited features on the Arcade: any actions which can navigate to a different page are blocked for security reasons. Currently all third-party plugins and behaviors are not allowed. We'll be looking to improve this in future by adding more support, but each plugin and behavior must be carefully reviewed first to ensure the Arcade remains a safe and secure place to play games.

  • challenging game I enjoyed it. The art design first perfectly for a space like environment.

  • Good luck with your game, don't forget to give us an update

  • I have a function that call's a random music, when the music is over the function is called again to recall another random music, also I have another event that calls the main menu music. The problem is 90% of the times the music plays and everything is fine, but sometimes the music just don't want to play, I've tried lots of others ways to implement it and its still not working. Here are the events I am using.

    Any one has an idea why is this happening, the logic in the event should make sure the music to play 100% of the time, but it just not work, and its making me confused.

  • Yeah its possible, system -> set value -> select the variable and in the box type mytextboxname.text

  • If you keep all the words in a single variable or an array cell it wont work. You will have to put each word in a array cell, and then call the Left system expression on each cell to get the first letter.

  • saravanakumar I am glad you got banned that spam of yours was so annoying.

    mekonbekon Your game a potential but there is still lot of work to go, I suggest you first make a good working copy on pc, and after that can you start working on a mobile or facebook version. The game as it is now has little content so it needs improving, adding levels, weapons and upgrades will do the trick .

  • Maybe the forum considers your Wi-Fi network as not safe and blocks your access to it. You probably don't have security certificate on the Wi-Fi so it deemed unsafe.

  • I fixed it after re uploading the game like 5-6 times. It works fine now.

  • Same here, I was uploading my game on my website for future testing, and the game does not load, its stuck at empty loading bar.

    I tried to re upload and still does not work.

  • You can keep the worlds other players enter in a Json file which you can load on start of game.

    And for checking the first letter of a world you can use the system expression, one of this two will do.

    left(text, count)

    Return the first count characters of text.

    mid(text, index, count)

    Return the count characters starting from index in text.

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  • A web server may return an HTTP 403 Forbidden status in response to a request from a client for a web page or it may indicate that the server can be reached and process the request but refuses to take any further action. HTTP status code 403 responses are the result of the web server being configured to deny access to the requested resource by the client.

    A common request that may result in a 403 Forbidden response is a HTTP GET request for a web page performed by a web browser to retrieve the page for display to a user in a browser window. The web server may return a 403 Forbidden status for other types of requests as well.

    Do you have an anti-virus or firewall, if you have set the rules on strict it might deny access to the forum.

  • Well check the performance in the debug mode, see what events take the most, how much collisions per second you have, are the images you use to big or to large?

  • You cant add buttons using HTML, but you can use the button plugin to place the button on the screen, and you can keep all the date you need for it in instance variable, you can also style the button using css.

  • maybe use the sine behavior to move the hero in an arc?