imhotep22's Forum Posts

  • Upload the image on website's like tinypic, and post the url on the forum.

  • Thanks for the feedback, I don't think its negative at all.

    About the rock texture I can change it to lava, but that would be the same thing, you would still die if you touch it. About the tutorial I might divide it into smaller ones that show up on every level when there is a new thing ( That will be on my future upgrade list).

    I am now looking for bugs and trying to fix them as soon as possible, when that is fixed all divide the tutorial.

  • My first game in Scirra arcade. The game is top down puzzle, you have to navigate the player using a left click mouse button. The grass is safe to walk if you touch the rocks you will die. They are also numerous other obstacles you have to avoid.

    The game is currently available on Scirra and Kongregate only and for PC . The game will be published on other gaming sites very soon. And in the future i am planning a mobile version.

    If you enjoyed the game, you can fallow me on facebook and twitter where i will post my updates and news about the games i am developing.

    link to the game Scirra Kongregate

    I am open to all suggestions, and all feedback is appreciated, I hope you enjoy the game.

  • You can buy already made templates from the store.

  • yeah i forgot to add at before the array call.

    try blackhornet example it will work.

  • text -> set_text -> array_name(random(0,2)

    Use that.

  • Okay that can get complicated a bit. You will have to keep track of which animation is already in use, if you use a random function to call the animation, you can keep an array with all values 0, lets say when animation 5 is called, you make the 5th cell of the array to 1 which means that animation is in use.

    You will probably have to modify the random function a bit, add a global variable called animations_In_Use set it to 0 on start, then system -> set global variable -> animations_in_use = random_number_function. As a sub event array compare at x -> Array[animations_In_use] == 1, if true recall the event again to generate another random number, if its false spawn the animation.

    Next you will need to keep track if bullet with animation is out of screen, You can assign the animation number of the array to local variable, and add an event like bullet is visible on screen( inverted) bullet id = 5, if its true reset the cell 5 to 0.

    Its pretty complicated to pull of, i hope i gaved you an idea on how to make it.

  • If you want to adjust the sound relative to the player location, you can use the distance system expression between the object and the player, and lets says if its 1000 px distance you reduce the sound of the engine by -10db if its 100 you make the sound +10db. Or if its a fixed place, you can just put an invisible sprite on the background and use that to measure the distance.

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  • You want all of the bullets instances to have the same random animation on spawn? Or the ones that spawn they keep repeating their old animation so it looks weird?

  • Add a variable paused set to 0 on start, when you hit the pause button set it to 1.

    Then in the events where the player is moving and the mouse add another condition system -> compare global variable -> paused == 0.

  • Are you using dt in your events? Everything should stop moving when the time scale hits 0.

  • Try uploading the game on another server. You can find lots of free hosting service where you can put your game for testing purposes or for beta testing.

  • I did what you said, and in the debug all the events triggered and the sound was showing that is playing, but I was getting no sound. Then I started to preload the sound before I play, and now it seems to work fine.

    Thanks for the help, if you want a sneak peak of the game I hosted it on my server for testing here is the link

    Edit: The page loads slower now, because of the preload, but if its the only way to fix, I can live with that.

  • I just tried using "on ended" and I called the music on start of layout and the same thing happens, it plays like 5-6 times in a row, and then once it does not.

    I even called a single audio file in the function and the same thing keeps happening, the every 2 second thing was just for a testing to see if it makes any difference but it does not. I am starting to thing this is some sort of bug, because the logic used should guarantee that it would work 100% time, but it simple does not.

    So I'm just stuck here, I Guess I will have to publish my game with that little bug, because I'm just out of ideas on how to fix it. If you anything else to suggest I am all open.