imhotep22's Forum Posts

  • If you are new to construct, you should start by reading the manual first to get the basic knowledge of the engine which will improve your logical thinking. Then you can start working on your game and if you get stuck on little things you can of course ask for help on the forum.

    But don't except anyone to make the game for you, or an example, nobody wants to waste 5-6h of their time to make examples to new stranger who might quit or give in the next week or so.

  • Great, there is always more then one method to do it

  • You can measure the distance between the player and the drone using the distance system expression, and lets say if its bigger then 200 px then you teleport the drone to player xy location.

    distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)

  • Hay guys this my first tutorial I wrote, its about how to reload weapon for a shooter game with player animation and reload sound. You can check the capx file here:

    You can view the full tutorial here

    I hope it will help the new people who want to make shooter games, any feedback is appreciated.

  • Cool game I managed to reach lvl 8, but its super hard which I like

  • What version of IE are you using? I'm pretty sure some of the older versions don't support HTML 5.

  • You can increment a variable every 0.2 sec by 1, and lets say when it gets to 10 close the game.

    You will need 2 events

    on key being held down esc,every 0.2 sec, add 1 to timer

    timer == 10 -> close game or what you plan to do

    This will exit the game after 2 sec holding the button, also if lets say player stops holding the button before it gets to 10 you have to reset it to 0, you can do this by inverting the event and changing the action to set timer 0.

  • Only way you can do it without changing the layers is to make some of the other images invisible and toggle them on and off, or you can make the whole layer invisible.

  • You can also use local storage to save only the variables you need, like level unlock, or an array with score/star values.

  • Add an instance variable ID to the enemies, first enemy id=1, second enemy id =2 etc. And when you want to destroy specific enemy call an event enemy -> enemy id==1 -> enemy destroy.

    This can change on how you want the enemies to be killed, using bullets or on a press of button etc.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • (function(){

          // Check for running exported on file protocol

          if (window.location.protocol.substr(0, 4) === "file")


             alert("Exported games won't work until you upload them. (When running on the file:/// protocol, browsers block many features from working for security reasons.)");



    Remove that function to remove the warning thing, and yes probably the game wont work on chrome until exported, but it will work or any other browser like mozila or edge.

  • I've been looking for this a while, but it seems in c2 you can only do it by having two different text objects, because the text inside can be only bold or normal, but not both at the same time.

  • Yeah, just start the index.html file, and if it gives you warning click okay.

    If you know html you can also disable the warning, open the index file with notepad++ or some other editing program add comments to the code where it checks if game is running or server or not.

  • I managed to get 11 coins before losing. Its fun to play.

  • I would still go for construct 2, because construct 3 is still in development phase and it does not have as many options as construct 2 has.