imhotep22's Forum Posts

  • I'll have a look, all make it by tomorrow.

  • You can use the event condition pick bottom/top to check if the object is on top of the z-layer.

  • You are using same event twice, the second one will get triggered because the first one overwrites it.

    You need to add extra conditions to prevent it from happening, you can add invisible objects on the menu and check if the player touched them instead the menu itself.

  • I see. Well you can place each object on different layer, and check the layer number, so if the wining object is at layer one then go to next level(or something similar to that, I do not know how you planed your vents).

    Or you can use the pick top/bottom condition to check if the object is on top of z layer, and if is trigger the wining condition.

  • I almost never play games on mobile. People just keep making the same games with same mechanics over and over again with to no improvement (they just change graphics). Also 90% of the games are freemium where you have to spend 8h grinding a day to get something done or spend money on it.

    I love playing games but only on steam on games where there is no micro transactions or boring grinding to make people pay.

    • Post link icon

    Around 10$ max, I usually wait for steam sales before I buy something. And I mostly play the free games.

    Cant really afford good games when you live in third world country.

  • Why do you need to check the Z order in order to which to another layout? You can just place invisible object or teleport it to player location when lvl is suppose to end, and use on collision condition to progress to next lvl.

  • You can find object z-position using condition in the event system. Select the object you want to check and scroll all the way down under the z-order conditions, there is one called pick bottom/top.

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  • YOU need 500 points to paste the link with https, and www, that's why the construct modifies the link. You can just paste the link as plain text remove the https and www from it. Example

  • On the 8-direction movement set default controls to no, after that you can change them in the event system. But implementing AI with 8-direction is bad idea, use the pathfinding behavior instead.

  • You need to have construct 2 license to export to Cordova. There is no other way.

  • Upload it on dropbox, and share the link here.

  • Don't use set position with that you will change sprite 4 position every 1 sec, you want to use system -> create object.

  • Add variable called current frame set it 0 on start. Add new event mouse -> mouse wheal down, add action to the event sprite -> set animation frame = frame(global variable), another action system -> add to -> frame -> 1.

    Also see how many frames the animation has and add event to reset the variable frame to 0, when the last frame is reached.

    You can change this event with mouse while up, and decrement the frame by -1, so with mouse while down it will scroll the animation forward, and with mouse wheal down it will decrement them.

  • If you want to do that, there is no need for the second event at all. You can directly create the sprite 4 in the first event, change the action to system -> create object -> select sprite 4, select the layer, and on x y coordinate add the random location.