imhotep22's Forum Posts

  • When you recreate a new instance of an object, construct 2 uses its default values to Initialize the instance. You can have the function called after the new object is created to change its stats, or keep the first instance of the object somewhere in the layout, and change it values on layout load.

  • You are welcome, good luck with the game

  • That's the problem, I did the same thing as you described above, and I was unable to add more then 5 image points on some of the animation, sadly you will probably have to delete the whole sprite with all of its animation and assign all the image points manually so you don't get the cap.

    I am not sure if this a bug or just intended that way, so can maybe report it under the bug section.

  • Here is an example I made just now. You can make the scroll sprite invisible in the game, I just made it visible now for testing purposes.

  • That's weird, I tried testing on my construct projects, and there is no limit at all, I added up to 80-120 image points on all my frames and it kept going.

    You can try adding a test sprite and see if same thing happens to it.

  • There is no maximum number of image points. What error are you getting beyond 21 image point, the button does not work? And why do you need like 30 image points per frame?

  • You are welcome

    Good luck with your game.

  • You will have to initialize the stats At least once to the player when the game loads. You can call it every time on start of layout, or call it only once on a specific layer (main menu as an example).

    There is no way to organize the array in construct 2, they will always look like a mess in the events, you will have to remember what each cell does. I usually open a word or exel document and I write my array there, and set a short description to what each cell does so I don't forget.

  • You need to download a construct 2 theme first, after its downloaded you have to put it in the construct 2 theme folder.

    See this thread

  • Scale down the numbers would be the best solution here, 9.999e+38 is crazy large number it can also have effect on your performance because it will take lots of memory so save it.

  • I am not sure how construct keep the numbers, but its probably as singed integer or long, which can hold numbers between –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, if you want anything larger than that you will have to keep it as a text(string) or somehow find a way to shorten it, because math operations with strings are rather hard.

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  • Well depending on what you want to do with so large numbers, but best way to store them would be in a text variable, because they can hold more characters then a number.

  • On the event sheet add a new event, select the player with the animation, and under the animation tab click stop, if its always looping set a variable and toggle it between 0 and 1, 0 when it should run, 1 when it should not.

  • Well, if you already have the animation, call it in the event where the player is on the floor like you do normally with any other animation, but make sure to disable the other's animations first if they are already running, because you cant have more then 1 animation running at the same time.

    If your player is getting stuck at frame 0 and not animating, its probably because you are not calling the animation properly.

  • First you need to understand how construct 2 handles the animations, I suggest you read this

    Shortly explained first you need to import your animation frames to the sprite, then you group them together using the animation editor, like shooting animation, death animation etc. When they are properly grouped you can call them using the event animation tab using their group names.