ihvan020's Forum Posts

  • Your device might the slow one here in my case after I pressed the share button it loads automatically.

  • Does someone has a tutorial in implementing GDPR consent on mobile devices like android and iOS.A step by step tutorial and a capx. will be great help Thanks.

  • This GDPR thing does not even worked for me!!!.I tried every method on the above post but still didn't get my desired result(As in nothing happens!).I tried the games that made by the other developers with GDPR compliance on this discussion like sachos345 game,click the user consent and it work.(show the pop up).

    It will be better if they have a proper tutorial on this and for the admob part also.I mean I have tons of question like "Do I need to publish the app first on the playstore(linking the admob)?."

    The only solution I can come up is to not publish the app on the countries affected by this GDPR comliance.

  • The problem is when Touching menu button the player jump first before it disable completely.

    How can I disable "Is in touch" event without jumping first ? I tried to use a certain variable but still got the same result.Thanks in advance!!

    PS:All the event are in the same layout.

  • Taximan What;s you're phone resolution,have you tried it on a diffrent devices.


    The best bet is to probably use scale outer.

    Below is a test example.


    The big Blue sprite, is your safe zone, within this zone, everything is shown on most mobile phone screen sizes, so keep stuff that you want certain to show (cut scenes, boss fights,etc), within this zone.

    Backgrounds should be made slightly bigger than the layout, to allow for Tablets etc.

    I have tested this by exporting to an APK, and it works with no grey bar at the bottom.

    Hope this helps.


    I'm browsing the forum because I wanted a solution to my problem with fullscreen on mobile device until I read this.I'm using similar method to this, I'm developing a topdown shooter game the consequences when using scale outer is offscreen objects becomes visible like enemy, walls near the edge , maze objects,etc.... so you have to make an adjustment on everything to make the sprites/layout/images responsive and I'm using this features " (ViewportLeft("Layer") + ViewportRight("Layer")) / 2 " the downside is if you have 100 objects with diffrenet X and Y position on a single layout you have to adjust on every objects (correct me if I'm wrong).If you have any method feel free to share.

  • I think that it has nothing to do with hardware limitations as I said earlier I've only used a few tiled backgrounds,sprite for the player and controls.For the performance tips I already follow what's written on it.What really confused me is this part....

    "Using Sprites instead of Tiled Backgrounds

    Creating too many objects can cause slowdowns, and a common mistake is to use grids of Sprite objects instead of Tiled Background objects. This is similar to using tilemaps inappropriately. For example, a 20x20 grid of sprites has 400 objects, which is a significant impact on the object count. A single tiled background can replace the grid of sprites and it only counts as a single object. Tiled backgrounds are specially optimised for repeating their texture so in this case it is literally 400 times more efficient than the grid of sprites. Always use Tiled Backgrounds instead of repeating Sprites wherever possible."

    It really caught my attention because if you read my METHOD 2 on my post earlier I used a large 1280x720 sprite object to used as a background instead of 128x128 tiledbackground and my FPS when I'm using a sprite as a background is very smooth the only downside for this is that it will take a lot of memory when exported to an apk file and that's not a good idea if you are making a game with a lot of levels.

  • Yes, I tried on a different android device and also on a tablet but got the same result.(Android 8.0)

  • I'm currently developing my game for a mobile game, my problem is something like this. I have a player using 8 direction movement, a touch event for mobile controls, some tiled background(64x64) for the walls and lastly a tiledbackground(128x128) for a background. My Viewport size is 720x1280(landscape) when I'm testing my game on an android device (8.0) Whenever the player moves in a different direction I noticed that my FPS drop from 60 to 45-52 after trying different method to solved my problem I found out that my background is causing a problem.Here are my method lists.

    METHOD 1 :

    Delete background (tiledbackground)

    Current FPS when player moves: 58-60

    METHOD 2:

    Change background to a sprite instead of tiledbackground

    Current FPS when player moves:56-60

    Problem: apk size will increase(gonna used multiple backgrounds)

    METHOD 3:

    Change Viewport size to a smaller one

    Current FPS when player moves: 58-60

    Problem:I don't feel like using small viewport(Graphics quality will decrease).

    Here's my simple event

    Note:My fps drops only when I'm testing on a mobile devices but on a desktop the fps is on a normal rate.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm trying to post my own problem until I read this topic.So I will share my problem on tiledbackground and I'm currently developing my game for a mobile game, my problem is something like this. I have a player using 8 direction movement, a touch event for mobile controls, some tiled background(64x64) for the walls and lastly a tiledbackground(128x128) for a background. My Viewport size is 720x1280(landscape) when I'm testing my game on an android device (8.0) I noticed that my FPS drop from 60 to 45-52 whenever the player moves in a different direction after trying different method to solved my problem I found out that my background is causing a problem.Here are my method lists.

    METHOD 1 :

    Delete background (tiledbackground)

    Current FPS when moving player: 58-60

    METHOD 2:

    Change background to a sprite instead of tiledbackground

    Current FPS when moving player:56-60

    Problem: apk size will increase(gonna used multiple backgrounds)

    METHOD 3:

    Change Viewport size to a smaller one

    Current FPS when moving player: 58-60

    Problem:I don't feel like using small viewport.

  • It's pretty weird , the problem just solved by it's self I don't know what happened there,I just leaved it for a couple of days and when I test it just worked fine, maybe it has something to do with my Desktop.. anyway Thanks for your help.

  • My event is like this.

  • dop2000

    My code is something like this


    " W " is Down > Simulate control " UP "

    " S " is Down > Simulate control " DOWN "

    " A " is Down > Simulate control " LEFT "

    " D " is Down > Simulate control " RIGHT "

    I also try it on construct 2 just to check if there is something wrong but got the same result.

    And also I try it on a touch event but still the same. Thanks!

  • I'm using 8 behavior to make my character move and use custom control using "simulate control",When I'm using default control and set my 8 direction setting to this.

    MAX SPEED:200



    The character move perfectly.But when I disable the default control and use my custom control using Simulate, the character doesn't move but when I increase my acceleration the character works fine.

    Is this some kind of bug?.Thanks.

  • Thanks everyone !! I appreciate it.I almost made everything by myself like coding,sound effects,idea and for the graphics I ask my friend to do that for me.What really point is , Is it ok for my old game engine(company) to used C3 instead of the old game engine even though I already publish it 2 years ago and republished it using C3.Well it doesn't matter to me now,like everyone said as long as I owned everything on the game.

  • I have an existing game which I publish on the play store 2 years ago,the thing is I used different game engine back then and I want to make an update on the game and use C3 instead.Is that even legally OK?