idlephononautica's Forum Posts

  • Thank you! Somehow I thought it would have to be more complicated than that!

  • I'm trying to make a game in which the player can type text into a textbox. They can also move around with the arrow keys.

    So far I've got it so that when an arrow key is pressed, the textbox is set to unfocused. Is there a way to have an event that functionally does the opposite: When any key except the arrow keys is pressed, it focuses on the textbox.

  • I've got a very niche use-case, so not sure there's a good solution, but let's see!

    I'm using Construct to make a game environment in which the player character can move sprite objects around the map. Is there a way of recording the final location of the object so that (and here's the tricky bit) I can make/load a new version of the game in which the sprites remain where they were last placed.

    (Essentially I'm running a sort of game jam event and I want to be able to periodically add new objects to a game layout, but have the location of everything recorded so a new instance of the game layout looks like the last.)

  • Incredible! Thank you so much!

  • I have a sprite that is a straight line, that can be variable lengths and at variable angles, and I've made the point of origin as one end of the line, but I want another line to be created starting at the opposite end. How can I find where that point is?

  • Ah, amazing! Thank you! I'll give that a go.

  • I want to make a game that randomly selects a sprite object from a set. Previously I was doing this by making a bunch of frames within the same sprite and using 'set animation frame to random(number), but I want the player to be able to click the object and have the object name remembered and used elsewhere (for a scoresheet).

    What's the best way around this?


  • Ah, amazing! Thank you so much!

  • Hi everyone,

    I've got a sprite that I have set to change colour on mouse click. Each colour stored as a different frame in the default animation. Is it possible to save which frame the sprite is on? I want to be able to change layout and when I go back, the sprite is on the same frame as when I left.

    My events are:

    - On start layout > sprite > Stop animation

    - On Left button clicked on sprite > sprite > set animation frame to sprite.AnimationFrame+1

    - On Left button click on sprite > sprite > set animation frame to 0


    animation frame = 6

    This might not even be the smartest way to do this operation to be honest so do point out if I'm being stupid.


  • Thank you so much! I think that'll do it! And thank for introducing me to LiteTween! It's amazing!

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  • Sorry if this is a little vague, but I'm not quite sure where to start.

    I'm trying to make a bobble head and would love some help.

    I've got two sprites, a body and a head. The head is pinned (rope) to the body. I want to make it so that on clicking the head it bounces and returns to its original position. What behaviours do you think would work best to make this happen?

    Thanks in advance!


  • I want to make a game where you press a button and it prompts the player to record their voice. I'm struggling to find anything in the manual or online. Is this possible?


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  • Incredible! Thank you so much! I'm literally learning new stuff with each new project.