HotGod's Forum Posts

  • I didn't ask for a response to each and every point I mentioned, just a "Ok, we saw the list, some interesting things there. Thanks" or something like that :)

  • It's the first time I don't get any feedback about my list from high ranks. Is this a hint I should stop making these?

  • I went over my plugins/behaviors and I think the only thing which is not supported is AJAX. Since the whole PHP High score mechanism I made is using AJAX I'll wait for this to be supported and than upload my game to the arcade.

    I think it would be a good idea to add a small dot/sign to the ICO files of the built-in plugins/behaviors. This can be done easily and will help users know which one is a built-in one and which one is a 3rd party addition.

  • Ok. Thanks!

  • Thanks Kyatric but this is what I wanted to avoid.

    I think that on the "upload game" page there should be a link or even the list itself with the supported plugins.

    Currently the list = Built-in plugins and behaviors - (webStorage + Ajax + Browser + Facebook)

    What I tried to say is that I don't have a clue what are the built-in plugins and behaviors. To check this I would need to check the ones I used and for each one to go over the 3rd party list.

    If we had a link over there (or the list itself) of supported plugins/behaviors the task would have been simplified for users who wish to upload their game/s.

    As time passes I'm sure the arcade will support additional 3rd party plugins/behavior. In the current status the formula will be even more complex = built-in - X - Y (beside Z, F and G)

    Hope this makes sense.

  • I tried to upload my great game from the latest competition but got a message I'm using unsupported plug-ins.

    Since I have no clue which plug-ins are approved and which are 3rd party ones it will be great to see on the upload page a list of allowed/approved plug-ins.

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  • Nope. I have no clue what's the canvas plugin. Is there a way to directly draw onto the Canvas? That would have saved me tons of time :)

  • I'm working on a Drawing program.

  • Almost forgot: It would be great to be able to press on an object/sprite and have a small event sheet open just for that object.

    This way objects can be saved and load in a different project. This will include the graphic and general behavior of the object.

    This will also help in building an AI "creatures" library which can be shared by C2 users.

  • Yes, another one of my never-ending lists of ideas/suggestions/feedback

    I already expressed my enthusiasm about C2. During the work on my Game for the latest competition which was my first major C2 creation I've kept a list of things, ideas, feedback, etc. Here it is: (I'm sure that some of these were already mentioned)

    • Zoom-in/out issues - When the browser is not on 100% zoom level all buttons and fields get out of position
    • Follow-Path is needed. There're tons of use for such feature and each time I need one I copy/paste a formula which is simple to re-create but very long
    • When adding/creating a new animation the first line (initial animation) is selected
    • Suggestion: Rotating a sprite with CTRL pressed will turn the spire in 90 degrees steps
    • Suggestion: In image edit window a "Next/Prev" arrows will switch/browse between different sprites
    • Cloning an object with the "sine" behavior will not clone/copy the type of sine the original object has
    • On export a project a "Create index.html" checkbox would be great. When I already have a working index.html file and wish to make a small change in the program itself I find myself exporting the project to a new directory, copy the files in the new directory minus the index, or copy the index file to the new directory + deleting the old directory. Such checkbox will save tons of repeated ritual
    • Same with "re-create all graphics". When I only changed the direction of a bullet (for example) I don't need the whole project re-creating graphics
    • A "Play Sound" when uploading new sounds and/or editing current uploaded files
    • Quad changes - The ability to change (during run-time) each of the 4 image quads of a sprite. This can bring a whole new wave of special-FX, add a semi 3D games, etc.
    • Return on Key press - On my keyboard it's "Enter". Don't know when was the last time I saw a "Return" key. Since we have people from around the globe maybe beginners with a no-return keyboard will have issue with this
    • The need for an "OR" is crucial. I often found myself bypassing the no-OR issue. The simple solution is to duplicate a code section but than one needs to make changes in more than one place
    • Each time I'm testing a code the whole upload/bar screen is adjusted to the left. When the whole project is uploaded the frame is centered. A simple "align=center" in the "body" tag will solve this annoyance (I think)

    That's it for now. Hope it's not too much :)

  • People here divided game creation or game entity into two groups:

    One claims the idea is what it's all about and the other claims the idea doesn't matter and it's the actual game creation, graphics, logic and execution lever are the ones which makes a good game.

    Well, the truth is much more complex. If you don't have an original idea than the pressure start to build up on the level of execution, how well the graphics look and behave, how's the music, how well the game was programmed.

    When you have an original idea than it's more easy to win but without good execution your idea will not reach players.

    In order to make a fun game you must have maximized all aspects. If your idea is great people will judge you in other aspects. If your idea is not original people will be expecting some new twists on that general idea.

    If your idea is great, your graphics are eye popping and your music melts ears your game might not make it if it doesn't have that "magic" thing, that X-factor, that fun factor of playing it.

    Bottom line, having new ideas won't help you. If you don't have ideas for future game simple roll a dice. One die will determine the category (shooter, platform, sport, etc.) while the other will determine the time era - futuristic, western, etc.

    This method will give you something like: Do a western platform game or even Create a futuristic puzzle game.

    With such a direction you can devote yourself to the actual game making. On this skeleton you can (and probably need) more ideas cause with these ideas your game will probably shine. If these small improvement will score in the X-Factor, if these will make people have fun with your game than you have a winner.

  • Try playing with the "Set Collision Polygon" of the grass sprite in the "Edit Image" window.

    I moved points from the sides so now the grass has 5 points on the top side. Not a single box passed through the grass after this change was made.

  • a. Wall$treet Reclamation

    b. Primary

    c. My Game

    d. US/Israel

    The High-Score page can be found Here

    Level 6 is hard. 7 is even harder. 8 is Unspeakable.

    I tested it with Chrome and Firefox. Hope you like it.

  • I think in fact that users used to the old forum are used to hit the search button there (click my signature for a screenshot/quick explanation of the forum search and other hopefuly usefull tips).

    So you're showing me the "tradition" card? :)

    The biggest "search" button/link is on the top-right corner. I didn't know the old forum and I'm sure I'm not alone. A small "Advanced Search" link below the search box would be a great improvement.

    The same goes with such link on the search page itself. This will help to prevent confusion with non-traditional people like myself.

  • Oh, I see. I'm sure there're many like me which find the top-right big search box confusing. Adding an "Advanced Search" link below this box is more logical.
