Yes, another one of my never-ending lists of ideas/suggestions/feedback
I already expressed my enthusiasm about C2. During the work on my Game for the latest competition which was my first major C2 creation I've kept a list of things, ideas, feedback, etc. Here it is: (I'm sure that some of these were already mentioned)
- Zoom-in/out issues - When the browser is not on 100% zoom level all buttons and fields get out of position
- Follow-Path is needed. There're tons of use for such feature and each time I need one I copy/paste a formula which is simple to re-create but very long
- When adding/creating a new animation the first line (initial animation) is selected
- Suggestion: Rotating a sprite with CTRL pressed will turn the spire in 90 degrees steps
- Suggestion: In image edit window a "Next/Prev" arrows will switch/browse between different sprites
- Cloning an object with the "sine" behavior will not clone/copy the type of sine the original object has
- On export a project a "Create index.html" checkbox would be great. When I already have a working index.html file and wish to make a small change in the program itself I find myself exporting the project to a new directory, copy the files in the new directory minus the index, or copy the index file to the new directory + deleting the old directory. Such checkbox will save tons of repeated ritual
- Same with "re-create all graphics". When I only changed the direction of a bullet (for example) I don't need the whole project re-creating graphics
- A "Play Sound" when uploading new sounds and/or editing current uploaded files
- Quad changes - The ability to change (during run-time) each of the 4 image quads of a sprite. This can bring a whole new wave of special-FX, add a semi 3D games, etc.
- Return on Key press - On my keyboard it's "Enter". Don't know when was the last time I saw a "Return" key. Since we have people from around the globe maybe beginners with a no-return keyboard will have issue with this
- The need for an "OR" is crucial. I often found myself bypassing the no-OR issue. The simple solution is to duplicate a code section but than one needs to make changes in more than one place
- Each time I'm testing a code the whole upload/bar screen is adjusted to the left. When the whole project is uploaded the frame is centered. A simple "align=center" in the "body" tag will solve this annoyance (I think)
That's it for now. Hope it's not too much :)