hmott's Forum Posts

  • Looking at your JSON, you have an array of objects with two keys, "score" and "show"

    So to get the score of the first object, you can do it like this:

    JSON.Value(0,0,"score")[/code:r5sc64jx]The first 0 means "from root", the seconds means, "first element", and then "key score"
    in javascript it would correspond to [code:r5sc64jx]root[0]["score"][/code:r5sc64jx]

    You're a life-saver. Thanks.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Pulling my hair out trying to set the text from an item in the json produced here:

    How can I set a text object to the value of the chosen key?

    Example: value "4.401577" from key "score".

  • Oh yes, I missed the % symbol. Big thanks!

  • Love the plugin.

    When drawing a circle, it seems rgb and hex work, but not hsl.

    Is it supposed to work? I use chrome to preview.


  • Having trouble installing it. I unzipped the folder and placed it in the plugins folder for construct 2. When construct starts, an error message pops up.


    Can you help?

  • Can Construct 2 have a feature that uses an object as the break point during debug?

  • Hi all, I'm would like to create an animation that repositions the continents of earth today into pangaea (one supercontinent). Attached is a file that uses one world map and creates a rotating sphere using a webgl effect.

    I would like to use independent images of each continent to be able to animate the continents moving together into one super continent.

    Any ideas?



  • Figured it out.

    Basic problem of too many large images. The tablet must have maxed out its memory when loading the app, causing the red font loader percentage.

  • I've been testing the app on Chrome, and has always worked. Now I'm ready to try on my device.

    I compiled the app on cocoon. When launching the signed-debug apk, the percent loader starts. Once reaching 99%, it freezes and turns red.

    Is there a way to know why the loader percentage turns red, or how to go about debugging an error like this?


  • Thanks for the replies! I'll try out your suggestions today.

  • Hi all, using the Sine behavior is really handy for making objects opaque, move or rotate smoothly. Two features I think are missing are setting the reference line, and setting/resetting the moment in the cycle.

    Right now, the reference line is in the middle - and this causes a problem. In my game menu, I show all my levels that will be available, but only one is available now. What I want to happen is when someone clicks on a level not available, I want to show them that it's under construction. I want to use the Sine behavior to move the level icon/image down that reveals a "under construction" image. But using the Sine behavior as is causes the image to also move up above its normal position. The Sine behavior has to complete the cycle before being able to move down again.

    Can the Sine behavior be enhanced to include the ability to set the reference line (top/middle/bottom, or 1/0.5/0), and/or being able to set/reset the cycle (start/middle/end, or 0/0.5/1)? See embedded image:


  • Can there be a feature that "heats up" the colour of the code that runs during debug mode? When the code is executed, it turns red in the code, then slowly "cools down" until the colour disappears. For the lines of code that are being continuously executed, they stay "hot".

    This will make the lines of code that execute "glow" continuously, while lines of code that are executed once in a while light up briefly before the glow disappears.

    It could be done graphically in the game, but would be nice to see executed code "pop" while the game is running. This would allow me to interact with the game and watch the code at the same time, instead of using an intricate combination of breakpoints.

  • I think what is needed most for debugging is not a crash report. There are so many ways my games go wrong without crashing.

    It would be nice to be able to highlight the line of code that construct is about to execute, like in visual basic. With the stroke on the keyboard, the program goes on to execute the next line of code.

    That way, we can see exactly what line is being executed at what time, and what state the variables are in. Once my games get to 100+ lines, this feature would be very helpful.

    It would also be useful as a tool to teach newcomers about programming logic - how simply swapping the position of two lines can mean the difference between working and busting the game.

    All in all, love using Construct 2.

    thanks Scirra!