Hi, great plugin!!
just some question (sorry):
is it possible to count the objects?
e.g. I have one json file with several objects (like wizard, hunter,...) and I want that the program counts them and put it in a global variable.
In this case: there are wizard, hunter, Knight, farmer -> global variable: 4
if not: I named the objects 1,2,3 and 4. Can it put the highest object in the variable. I tried it with instance.variable, but it always says "0"
[quote:12vq0z5k]other question: is it possible to choose/open a json file with function?
e.g. function(car)
in the function: set text to car.value(0,0,1)
I tried with variable, but the program didn't accepted it
e.g. function(car)
set function.param(0) to Database
set text to database.value(0,0,1) <- error
I would like to use one function instead making it for several databases.
[solved] I had to use: " pick by comparison "