hgr's Forum Posts

  • Can't wait to get my hands on construct 3. Construct 2 is great but it needs an upgrade.

    Hope we see it in 2015

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  • Man I wish I could reuse elements from other projects in construct 2.

    It is a tedious task when you have something you have made in one project and you would like to reuse the layout and event in another project. You have to build everything from scratch.

    It would be so nice if a simple copy and paste or import feature existed to import elements that you know works perfect in one game in a different game.

    That would really be a time saver, not having to rebuild everything manually.

  • Ok Thanks.

    Is there a way you can access the properties of the plugin in the editor events?, or would you have to write getter and setter actions in the plugin?

  • Hi.

    I have created a property in my plugin, and I can see in the documentation that some of the properties can be accessed runtime in the this.properties[] array

    But I am confused.

    What is the preferred way to access the properties in the array?

    If the script gets obfuscated will it not break if you use an index to access the array?

    I could use an example..

  • Found in the manual, there is a system condition. is in preview.

  • Hi.

    Is there a function you can call that returns true if your in preview mode?

  • Like this?

    Framed access : https://weebe.nl/frametest.html

    Direct access : https://weebe.nl/protectedgame/index.html

    Yes Stctr... Something like that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

  • Hi

    I have a few projects made in construct 2 that I would like to publish on my website, but in a protected manner.

    You need to be a user of the site to access the construct 2 "games".

    Normally this is easy on a wordpress site.

    My problem is that the only way I have been able to include the construct 2 games on the site, is within an iframe.

    And this makes it possible for anybody to grap the url of the iframe and access it directly, without having to be a user of my site.

    Have anybody solved something like this? Embedding construct 2 games / projects but with a controlled access?

  • Ok thanks.

    Hope Construct 3 will do something about that.

  • Hi.

    Is it true that you can't export / import layouts with eventsheets and included objects, so you can use them as loaders etc in a different project?

    I have not found a way so I am building the layouts manually. And it takes time to redo stuff.

  • That is GREAT news.

    However it would still be cool if you could reference the image file so if you made a change you would have a easier time refactoring the rest.

    Perhaps we will see this in construct 3

  • Simple...

    When I edit the code in the evnet sheet. It would be so nice if I could select the instances by name. Especially when you access instance variables..


    Instead of now,


    If your instance is on the layout. It is declared as available in the game for your events. Sure it makes no sense if you spawn instances in events. But whey they are placed on the layout. It would be so nice If I could access them by name instead of IID (or UID)

    And yes it is traditional programming, in Visual Stucio / xCode etc. And not drag and drop in Construct 2.

  • Ok got it.

    Thanks for your help.

    It would be nice if you could see an the instances in your inspector and give them a name.

    What tends to confuse me is that the Name property is the property of the object, not the instance.

    It would be nice if you could name instances and have them available in your events sheets as if they were instance variables ( in ordinary programming )

    This is whats confusing me.

    Now you have to pick by uid, which you cant trust because they change, so you have to save these values in an array or dictionary, and it just makes the code hard to read I think.

    So if any from the scirra team is reading this... Instance names, would be nice.

  • Ok thanks.

    So just to be crystal clear.

    If I copy an instance of a sprite font object. And I change the graphics on either one of them, it will update the graphics on all instances it has been copied from?

  • If I only have one spritefont.

    How can I place 4 different texts on 4 different positions in the layout, without having 4 instances?