hgr's Forum Posts

  • Hi.

    I have a group of sprites, spite texts, etc that makes up a scorecard that is shown at game over etc.

    Is there an easy way to group these objects, so I can hide or show them without having to write actions that hides or shows the individual objects.

    I do not think containers work for this or can you foreach object in container?

  • HA YES!


  • Hi.

    It would be so nice if construct 2 actually showed the instance names of the objects in the event sheets.

    If you have 4 different arrays or dictionary, you are shown the same button icon for all 4.

    You have to double click the action, so see the name of the instance, which makes event searching hard.

    I would love to be able to have the actual instance names shown and be searchable instead of just the icon.

  • Ok thanks

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  • Hi developers of Construct 2

    Why can't I select objects in the Z-Order bar?

    If I want to be able to select an instance that is below everything I have to move it to the top before I can select it and edit the property sheet?

    It would be much more nice if I could select the instances shown in the Z order bar, align them center them etc.

  • Hi developers of Construct 2

    I would really like better refactoring tools.

    This is my scenario.

    I have an object with x number of instance variables. At some point in my development, I realize that it would make sense to create an object family and that some of these instance variables should be moved to the family.

    First problem is that If I create an instance variable on the family it can not be created with the same name. So I have to find all usages of the original instance variable and change that to the new family instance variable (this is why I would like to see a find / replace feature)

    Then I have to delete the object instance variable and rename the family instance variable.

    Find and replace in the event sheets, is a pain.

    Moving instances and objects around is a pain.

    Construct 2 is cool, but sometimes it would be so nice if I could just edit the source code directly

  • It's not a good idea to edit these directly though, unless you are very careful. For example, if you change a variable name, you have to change all it's occurrences across all event sheets. Any events you miss will be broken.

    This is why I would like to see a find/replace option in construct 2.

    Refactoring in Construct 2 is a pain.

  • Man I would like to have a simple find and replace text in the event sheets.

    The find feature does not quite do it, because when you are searching for a specific string or refactoring it is so hard searching through your lines of code to find what you are searching for.

    Sometimes it would be just nice to be able to edit the source directly in a text editor, if you have to refactor your code.

  • On mouse click c2 detect the object that is on top in the Z order. So if its not working, try to send it to the top of all objects that u have on that location.


    Layer 1



    Layer 2



    Layer 3 (Background)



    If the object 1 and 3 is on top of each other, your click will get the object 1. If they are not, obviously you will be able to click on both.

    Not true kossglobal.

    See the example file above, it tells me that the z order is not important and a single left click is firering through all sprites below the mouse cursor.

  • ............??????

    Thanks korbaach

    Your project illustrates that it is true. The click on event is fired for the red sprite even though the blue sprite is covering it completely.

    So I was right about that Construct 2 does not take the z order of the layers into consideration.

  • Hi.

    Is it correct that the mouseclick on object is for all layers?

    I have a background layer, and a game layer which is on top of the background layer, and an event that acts if the click is on a sprite, and another event if the click is over the background.

    But when I click a sprite, it seams that the background counts as a click as well.

    So is it correct that the click is actually covering all layers and not only the first object on the top layer?

  • Ok Thanks guys

  • It looks as if you can change the speed of the bullet, but it change the speed of all bullets, or at least it looks that way.

    So is it right that if you set the speed of the bullet, it will set the speed for alle visible instances of the bullet?

    It can't be right? can it?

  • Hi

    I have created a bullet sprite, and I spawn bullets, but on creation I change the speed of the bullet so they can have different speeds.

    Howerver, it looks as if I am changing the speed for all bullets of the given class of sprite, and not the instance.

    Is this true? Is the bullet behaviour properties "global" for all instances of the sprite?

  • What if we allowed constant instance variables? Then you could have Player.ATTACKING, Player.CHASING as well as Enemy.ATTACKING, Enemy.CHASING etc. without spamming your global variables.

    Alternatively you can just use strings like "attacking", "chasing", "hiding" etc. Javascript takes this approach, and while it's susceptible to typos, it works surprisingly well and has the added convenience you don't need to do anything to define a new enum.

    Hi Ashley.

    Yes you can use strings, but enums would be really nice because you can set them with integer values, and it is nice to code with enums, because it is much easier to read and you make fewer mistakes.

    So I would love to see enums in construct.

    And codecompletion on function names, so you dont make typing mistakes with function names