hgr's Forum Posts

  • Hi.

    Maybe a stupid question.

    But I have a few texts shown on the layout. Each text use the same spritefont.

    But I have to attache the same spritefont.png to each sprite, and I can see on the status bare that the size of the game increases for each sprite I add the same spritefont to.

    Is there a way where you can reuse the same spritefont.png file for more than one spritefont sprite? To save ressources and keep the game as small as possible, but also to make it easier if I want to change the sprite font to a different font, so I do not have to alter each sprite manually.

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  • Hi.

    This is strange.

    I had a standard sprite font on my layout, just to get the game right.

    Now I am updating the spritefont, adjusting the space etc.

    It looks alright on the layout. But in the game, the spritefont is not shown.

    I have debugged it I know it has a text.

    I then deleted the browser cache, and now it is shown.

    How can you avoid problems like that if you make updates to the game and users do not know that they have to delete their cache?

  • Has anybody tried to create a sprite font in shoebox for usage with construct 2.

    Shoebox does not respect the grid layout that Construct 2 needs in order to make spritefonts. I can't seem to find a good way to do it?????

  • Hi.

    Is there a way to use Cocos2d, Unity, Sparrow, Corona, uvCords or SpriteKit fonts in construct 2?

    I find the default font grids for sprite fonts a little limited.

  • Ok thanks.

  • Hi.

    It is possible to develop your own plugins, which you can use in construct 2 development.

    But is it possible to extend the exporters? So you could add files etc to the exported directory?

    I would like to insert a manifest.xml file in the exported directory, with parameters which I can then browse in other software which should display the html5 game.

    But is it possible to plugin to the export features of construct 2?

  • Hi everyone!

    I've delayed far too long in posting this, but here it finally is. I've thrown together a Javascript-based form that helps you to port over exported Construct 2 projects to a WordPress plugin.

    The form/tool is available from my Cloud9 IDE account as follows:

    https://c9.io/ugotsta/tools/workspace/w ... maker.html

    I've used it for quite some time in a number of ported projects, some of which are listed in the article, so I know it works well given my own circumstances.

    There's a lot more still to consider though, so please feel free to add your thoughts if you have any. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread as well as the comments on that article (comments are done via Facebook to simplify login/validation).

    I'd love to see this type of thing built into the export process, so if I can be of assistance to that effect, please do let me know!

    3-30-2012 UPDATE: I've just updated the tool so it now asks for height and width and includes that in the output canvas. I couldn't easily regexp search the original c2runtime.js for height/width, especially since dimensions are per-layout, so I've just added it as a setting in the tool's page.

    3-15-2013 UPDATE: Form now available from my Cloud9 IDE account, as the website's currently down. Incidentally, Cloud9 is blazingly faster than my previous host, so it's much quicker to use.


    DavidMUgotsta2013-03-16 05:08:50

    Hello David

    The download link does not work anymore. Do you have an alternative download link?

  • No its not great, but Chrome JavaScript Console, is a better option than having to play a sound or write som text in the game somewhere (which I do now)

    So thanks for bringing the Chrome Console to my attention.

    I can see on the Scirra blogs, that they have started on construct 3 development. Perhaps we will get a better debugger in Construct 3.

  • Hi.

    How do you reuse images in construct 2?

    I have an image from a sprite animation which I would like to use as a tile.

    If I create a tile, and copy paste the til graphics from my sprite into the tile, will it not be included twice, both for the sprite and for the tile. And if I edit one, I will have to edit the other as well.

    So what is a cost effective way to reuse images in a construct 2 project?

  • This is what I do when I only have one layout.

    Construct 2 is great, but there are room for improvement. Like this, which saves time. Ideally you would have a shortcut key for the feature as well.

  • Hi.

    It would be nice to be able to jump to a function, if you rightclick a call Function event.

    So if you have a Call "someFunction" (), and you right click that line you would be able to "jump to function" and construct 2 will then show the function in the right event sheet. ready for you to edit.

    Right now I have to use the Search function to find my function code.

  • Do I have to install a plugin to use the console logs?

  • You can't toggle a breakpoint on a trigger event..... So If I wan't to see what happens when I click a button.. That is not possible.

  • Hi.

    I have a button, that acts strangely when I click the button.

    But I am unable to debug, because you can't place a breakpoint on a triggered event.

    That so sucks!

    Sorry Love Construct 2, but this is something I hope will be changed in a future update.

  • Yes families are good if its the same type of sprite object. But I use spritetext, sprites and tiles to make up the score board.

    And you can only place the same type of object into a family.