helena's Forum Posts

  • Sorry forgot to reply to my own thread.

    I asked here in this forum because I would like to see it actually be added to C2.

    Have anyone tried the unbounded scrolling + clamp?

  • One from me!

  • C2 is fantastic, and I have spent so many hours with it so I can definitely say I got my money's worth of it. (even if I did not earn anything, it is just a fun software to work with) But we can still dream about exiciting new ideas!

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  • zenox98 got it right! And if trying to play on a slower device then risk is higher....

    You have to add condition that will trigger when the ball leave the layout and return it back into layout at the position where it left. Of course before the border.

  • I would love to do this, change layout size at runtime so it will match the level automatically generated. I do not want the screen to scroll beyond the automatic generated level size. It is apparent at right side and bottom side. As the level generation start at topleft corner.

    It could be bound to a certain condition so it will just be executed at the very loading of layout?

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  • augmento

    The random color tile example in that tutorial is not what I wanted. I want random tile position (to make it visible) and not random tile as the tiles are already generated and have their order as from TMX importer.

    But, I will do it myself instead.. I just hate loops, haha.

    Now creating a new array and use that instead. I just hoped to able to do without adding another array.

  • Hello!

    I want to fill the screen tiles (which are already generated but invisible) in a random manner, making them visible.

    So far I have this capx I am attaching.

    My isssues:

    1. Too slow!!!! And this is even a small sample screen. The level is bigger....

    2. I would like it to enable a tile by random per row, then going down a row, enable a tile there by random, next row... then back to top, repeat... Of course using loops. I am daft at moment so I would love some help here.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Oh, thank you!

  • Hello!

    Subject say it all.

    But .. how do I check how many third party components I have in the project I am working on. Plugins, behaviors, effects...

    I know for sure I have TMX importer.. But maybe more? I have a crapload of third party components installed in C2..

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  • Somebody

    Thank you for your new inputs.

    I think I will go back to my own things I want to add.. opening up level (pumping up Bunbun), better exit door, BunBun exitting. At least that has to be done first so the level timing will be better and easier to plan/make levels when knowing how long it take for BunBun to pump up. (the level is moving meanwhile)

    Explosion/splat. I am pondering on doing Boulderdash/Supaplex style with 9 sprites instead for one big. Or maybe a combination. (for example the smaller 32x32 pixels being "dust" clouds under and the bigger 96x96 for the "splat" over. <-- that's the basis for the egg animation. BunBun and Fire will have their own. Right now it is just substitued by a rough idea of Splat with different colors.... Just mockups.

    Another idea I am going to add soon are two more enemy types, Switch panel to switch "gates" up/down..... at least initially.

    Of course intro/title/interface too..

  • * Fixed the two explosion bugs I listed above.

    (however the odd bug of level 9 still happens sometimes)

    * Added particles effect when eating fruits <- not 100% keen on the result, though.

    * Sped up the tube travel <- now I think it is almost too fast! haha motion sickness abound for BunBun

    * Sped up the tube in animations 0.3 sec shorter now. (from 1.0 to 0.7 sec)

    * Fixed a minor camera jump after travelling tube.


    (remember to hit reload)

    Somebody Thank you for your involvement. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Somebody Ok then I get it! It is not the camera, but the actual old school movement. I could see if I could solve it somehow without mucking up with the code. I remember I tried it back in beginning but never got the engine to work properly. But I guess if I use a second invisible sprite for the "proper" movements, and then BunBun following it smoothly. hmm. And the cam following bunbun.. everyone are following someone.

    Regarding the extra effect.

    I guess, as long it is not involving the maparray it will be fast. yeah.

    Tube: OK!