helena's Forum Posts

  • Another question:

    The "system pick" would not work outside of screen? (damn!)

    EDIT: (instead for making monologue)

    Apparently it should work on layout. At least I know it is not that. It is ME. haha.

    I got a code working now for the overlapping thing. But the whole thing is not behaving as I want. When I test it in orderly fashion, it works but when in more chaotic setting it is .. well, you know.

  • I wonder if the "overlapping" works by verifying the hotspot and compare it with the other sprite´s hotspot? Then I understand why it won't work.

  • Hello again.

    We have a sprite that is 96px times 96 px, and this cover a block of nine sprites (32 each)

    When I am using "System pick overlapping" and then enter the bigger sprite's X and Y as coordinates It wont find ANY sprite overlapping even if there are nine sprites below that.

    Are there any better method that is not too taxing on system? (such as collide)

  • I also think this is a pity.

    I add Browser log entry to see what's happening, in the browser console.

    But I would like to BREAK sometimes!

    It is annoying.. haha.

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  • I want to bring this up again and hope it will be added in the future.

    * Print the event sheet - whole or a selection of it. (on printer)

  • Construct 2 is great, I agree.

    I am from Sweden.

  • Fixed the tube problem. It is really funny because normally it works already before and should be working. But well, now redundancy is added and now tubeing works. I think, hope. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">


    (do not forget to hit F5/reload after loading)

    Now over to the chain egg!

  • http://www.funnybunny.se/game/bunbun/

    As example the tubes in levels8 and T1 works nicely.

    But in Level 12 you get stuck.

    The chain explosion egg in T1 and level 10 works nicely (however level 10 could be problematic) . But in level 11 - nope. <- I haven't looked at code to be honest.

    Damn now as I check level 10 again the ice cream hitting the eggs the eggs wont explode..


  • I think I am going to pull out my hair!

    Chain exploding egg and the new tubesystem. Worked beautifully.. then some days later.

    cluttered with bugs and unexpected behavior.

    I am at wits end, the events looks fine for the tube system but ... nope. I start to wonder if it is the version 195?!

    The whole thing feel sluggish, Construct2 is also sluggish....

    I wonder if I should revert back to 194.2 and compare!

  • And here's the latest version of the game where I have done a 100% overhaul of the tube system.


    Needless to say, there's placeholder graphics, including the entire intro layout. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Hello!

    I know this is much to ask because I am asking for free and not paying.

    I am making a game BunBunLand.

    I would love to have someone look at the events and see if it is effective. No bottlenecks.

    I would rather not share to the public so this is why I ask here. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I would like you to be quite experienced so you will be "better" than me, so to say.

    And if you actually are interested in being more involved than so, I would be happy too. if you are interested in the game concept as such (BoulderDash/Supaplex clone). As long as you are ok with my design. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    A version of the game is here:


    The future of game, I have not decided how I will go further with the game if it will be free game or paid game. If paid game of course you will get your share depending on how much you work. But as for now no money.

    Thank you for reading.

  • But on other hand external editor that is free to download is good if you want people to help you create levels. This is of course for games that is more strategy/puzzle based!

  • Ah sorry, missed that one, I am sorry it is not working for you. I guess it is different for different needs! I think I have smaller levels, so it might be that.

    Maybe it would work better if there's a built in support for these files.

  • TMX_importer by RexRainbow will import tmx files at runtime, I am using it and it works nicely.

  • And now I solved the problem. I forgot to add else on the upper level of events, I was staring at this lowest level groups. Now it works. whee.