helena's Forum Posts

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    Thank you for your review.

    I want to ask you, the jumpiness. The camera should not jump at all, that is my goal. BunBun do move in old school movement, but the camera should follow in smooth way. If it does not, please let me know.

    Interesting idea about the eating! I could try to add if it is not eating up cpu!

    The tube movement, do you want it to be faster while inside the tube? I could see if I could get up the speed without making it laggy.

    Or do you mean the animation itself. Well, yeah it is quite long I agree. I just feel like "wow I have made so many animation frames I want to use them" but if the consensus is that it is taking too long, then I should trim it down!

  • GenkiGenga thank you! The animation is bad I know. I need to replace it. The difference is that in original there's 1 single "explosion" repeated 9 times over the field while this one is one single to cover the whole field.

    I might revert to do as in the old style, though. I will ponder on this one!

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    Make a copy of your capx files and store them in another folder. Problem solved.

    Really, you can install latest and run the files. It is not until you make alterations in them and save that they are locked to 195.

    But for your sake, better ditch the pirated version altogether. 168 is quite old a version too.

  • New thread.


    I have fixed so many bugs that arrived with the multiple explosions and chain explosions.

    I think I have fixed almost all.

    Bugs left:

    * Player explosion at suicide - tiles left. Easy fix. Tomorrow.

    * static fruit, egg or icecream above enemy make enemy explode. Should not do so. (level T2)

    And very odd bug at level 9 I got a couple of times when I moved quickly that the map array did not quite tag along and made the player go through tiles. Hard to reproduce.

    Other than the bugs I am annoyed with game starting to get slower and slower. Worst are levels with many explosions and/or many enemies. I blame it with many searches through entire arrays. (game engine depend on array and sometimes I need the game to search through the whole 600 entries array for a certain value and still I made the level a little smaller than other similar games)

  • Thank you, I got the Return Value now, I never really got that part before (oh, horrors. I know. haha)

  • newt

    Multi explosions works now, in that section of events. But now I have a problem (not seen here), but here it is in the functions. I think!

    I may bring it up here if I do not solve it. But I want to try first mostly because it is so huge list of code with 100 events or something. Ha! (different types of explosions, different causes of explosions, explosion chains, etc....) Right now I can have a chain of eggs, explode travelling a winding path and I have gotten it to work nice chain effect of explosions, but now the problem is if get another explosion elsewhere at at same time (for example a enemy getting hit of a boulder), the explosion chain stops! I will look at variables and such.

  • Paradox your solution seem to be the one. The initial test ran out fine, I will test further. Thank you!

    Thank you newt too, for your input and sorry for my rambling.

  • Nope. I am so puzzled now. Why is the labelling as falling = 0 working nicely, but not the rest. Maybe too slow?

  • So maybe it is the #47 that is problematic.

    I will make a test level with 4 boulders falling on a surface of eggs and see if it is different!

  • newt, interesting since all the boulders in same round get falling = 0 just fine. hmm.

  • By the way, 46 and 48 can be swapped and I did so. No real difference.

    Many boulders stops at same time all right.

  • Hello!

    I have worked with the problematic explosions for days, whittling out the bugs, trimming down the events....

    But now one thing persist. It seems that there can only be one explosion at a time. Which is not good.

    I made a test level with four eggs dropping to their explosion (on a surface of "DIRT") and it happens at same time, so should be 4 explosions. But only the first egg explodes.

    I tried with browser logs combined with debug window and it appears that it is in this event section. Apparently only the first explosion is called and then the others ignored completely. It is as if the system is only finding "one falling egg, ok ignore rest". Which is silly.

    In the test level Event 48 is the one that should be executed 4 times this "round" (the game updates every 0.2 sec "rounds"), but nope, only 1.


    I hope you can help me. I know very well I can do things wrong, so I am open for any suggestions.

    The same section is used for stopping the "boulders" and "diamonds" (which is now icecream and fruit) and it works well, even for multiple objects at same round. I think! (have to verify now)

  • *Ability to add different colored Bookmarks. So I know which are bookmarked for bugs, which are bookmarked for things I need to remember.. etc.

    Tagging Ashley

  • blackhornet Thank you, it will help someone. In my case it is static, not moving figure.. exact 96x96, and exact 32x32 tiles under. But I solved it by doing other way, testing the coordinates section for section (9 of them). And this speficic works now.

    I now have to battle with everything else.. haha

  • Interesting and the polygon is set to full frame, so it should work but it won't.