helena's Forum Posts

  • Oh different instances! Yes. Thanks.

  • I am filling the screen with sprites, using loops. I am going to add random numbers from array later on, but for now I am just doing it normally...

    For Y = 0 to 15

    ---For X = 0 to 20 ---- Create object (blabla) at (loopindex("X")*32), (loopindex("Y")*32)

    This works.

    But If I tuck in System - Wait* It mucks up the whole thing. All the tiles are added at 640x480 pixels (=final value of the loops)

    So, I ask you how do I delay for every tile showing?

    I know this tutorial, but this doesn't help:

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/723/us ... t-in-loops

  • Thank you for this!

    I will return to this later.

  • Since you can't have a XY array of irregular width.

    How would you do this best:

    Initial width and height is dynamic and calculated at runtime.

    Let's say we have this grid of 20 entries width and 10 entries height.

    We fill the horizontal entries with 0 up to 19 on each row.

    Then a loop for every horizontal row, you pick one cell at random, and then delete it. Making the width of THAT row one cell smaller.

    Repeat for every row until you have no cells left.

    How would you do this?

    Quite confusing.. sorry.

    For this one I would like to ask for capx or at least clear answer. I hope it is not too much.

  • you are welcome!

  • Twisty fishes! The twist effect make me think of fishes swimming.

    I have added wish of dropshadow effect to the general wishlist of effects. Transparent or not, crisp or blurred. the kind of dropshadow that is hovering behind with equal size, 3 pixel bottom-right (of course distance and direction could be changed). Respecting the alpha of the main object. Maybe you can figure out something? Of course, I am just writing here "thinking out loud" not demanding anything. I look forward to more updates in this, no matter what.

  • I love the scroll most of them all!

    And I totally see what Aurel mean about the last shader.

  • Sisyphus, you are so right. I realized it when I thought of the export folder. Only one single instance of the png picture. Duh!

  • I say nope.

    Because I would prefer to see Ashley work on a thousand of different things instead. The reason? He's the only one working on C2. I wish they would hire more people but apparently it is hard to find a good one. Maybe it could just be him having high demands on "same mind" and do not want to lose time to "synch".

  • As for 2, Tom has already answered that they won't do it, they prefer to have a product to sell to get money.

  • And if you think it is too confusing to update and keep track of the variables, an alternative is to make the sprite font png just 0-9 for the score numbers. It at least will make the png file a tiny bit smaller.

    Then you can use individual objects with only 0-9 for the number keeping and then a object with full character set for making instances with texts. (for dialog, info messages)

  • Maybe instances has been mixed up with objects?

    instance = copies of one object. (= only one sprite sheet is used)

  • Use the same spritefont and make a new instance of it. I haven't done so myself but I need to do so. I guess for static text it will work.. Of course someone here will chip in with better solution.. But maybe identify by variable?

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  • And if you do not have a part you can hire help for that part. I do not have ear for sound (as I am deaf - sign language deaf so to say) so my game is silent. Might ask for help in the future.

  • Somebody

    It is so true to be better to be in the 21st century, also it save on paper = better for environment (if you do not buy new tablet every year that is.... so the enviroment is really moot point... )

    But for me I prefer paper and pen. Everyone are different. I need the feel of the paper and an nice good gel pen. (and a lot of post-it to put by the computer area, bugs to work off ) But if you (general people you) do not mind the tablet, then it is better just by the reasons Somebody mention.