helena's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, it is interesting, I remember when I read programming books about the importance to use proper variable because if you do not declare it as anything you will get the most wasteful one, oh the horrors! ;D

    but glerikud is right, now in comparison, there are so many other things that are more wasteful..

  • It is true for normal programming! booleans, integer, floating point, text... I am also curious about C2.

  • Yes you will be able to run old projects.

  • I have to look at this StuffGEN now.

    As for using shaders in this little game, why not add enemies floating around that utilize some of the shaders. And also why not trigger a beam (from bonus maybe) that use the twist shader (in combination with scroll)!

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  • Somebody

    A proper level, yes.

    Either by starting with empty level (just showing the background texture) and fill it with the parts (tiles) to form the level. OR start with a solid slowly down-scrolling wall (of maybe the "B" chocolate tile) and knock it off tile by tile to reveal the level tiles behind. (This second one is more like BoulderDash original, so it might be too close to be homage) <---- Somebody btw, the Fade behavior and the Scroll Effect aren't playing well together. I won't be using together, but I noticed it when I tested.


    Without actually testing the code, I have a feel this would just show any tile at random, right?

    I kind of want to have the ordered random-ness, row by row. to make it random but not entirely random.(entirely random could cause to happen to clump in one part of the screen and empty in other)

    And... THANK YOU!!!!!!

  • At first I thought it was just a minor update with the correct Y but then my irony detector told me to download, and look there, quite a difference! Nice graphic and effects! Did you make this just in hours? I see you used a number of your effects as well as your generator to make the graphic. It is like "spot the Somebody feature"

    Great way to show a demo of what one can make with C2 and Somebody's parts.

  • codah Somebody

    Latest file, it is working now as it should. What do you think?

    Do you think this is device independent speed?

  • Oh so the problem lies with the timer? Enable them wrong order? Hmm.

    I have to confess that I haven't wrapped my mind around the algorithm for the timer.

    EDIT: I figured it out, the algorithm was too convoluted. I borrowed the variable TileNumber (which is just a number that is counting up) and divided with 250, and it works now.


  • codah

    Haha, yes welcome to my world.

    What my intention is to fill the screen randomly but not entirely random.

    For every ROW I want ONE tile to be added in a random position on that row.

    Repeat down the rows, and then start again from top, until the screen is filled.

    That was my intention.

    My idea of line 4 btw was to fill it with numbers (01234, 01234.... etc) but it is not needed because it is temp! so, removed.

  • +1 to this!

    So many basic things aren't available in C2, so I hope C3 gui will be more customizable for Ashley to add more *very* basic things we miss.

  • Awesome!! I just want to say that you should make the Y to negative value to make it more like Krakout.

    In your example, it scrolls in opposite direction for Y. (Bounce.capx) Not that it matters too much really.

  • It is ok

  • codah

    Ah, I understand! And if you want there's a "ugly" bypass:

    If you open the capx like it is zip (rename it to zip) and open one of the xml files (I forgot which) you can set it to the number you have in the content of that. Save, rename back to capx, and voila you can open it.

  • Haha! You all are fun. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> But I agree Scirra should hire Somebody! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> Not any somebody but Somebody. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    I wonder if it is possible to add another scroll, more advanced scroll. Maybe name it scroll plus!

    Difference? Specify the angle of scroll of 360 degree. It would be so awesome. but if not, even diagonal would work too. I understand if this is much harder to code.

    Why? I thought of the game Krakout for C64, the background scroll in same direction as the ball is going (but slower rate). it is a breakout clone game.


    I went to Youtube and looked at a video. Apparently it is just 8 directions. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Watching that brought up memories of us kids playing that back in 80s on our C64 computers.

  • codah, Somebody and Lordshiva1948 Thank you all for your replies. Thank you so much.

    The timer behavior seems to be the one to go! yay!

    But now I have a new puzzling issue.

    According to the loops X and Y in numbers, posted to Browser log (Console of browser) it shows the correct sequence: one per row.

    But the sprites are generating the whole row, and when that's complete it goes to next.

    Why do this happen?

    I will try to solve, but meanwhile, here's the capx.

    EDIT: corrected minor error i capx.