Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • It depends on the actions you need, personally I don't think there's a solution that will let you make a solid platformer with intuitive controls using touch controls, it will never be like using a keyboard or a gamepad.

    You must strip down your controls, for example a run button is very messy to use especially if you need to press another action button with it like jump.

    For movement, I think positioning a low opacity circle with a knob in the center to the start touch position, then moving the character in the angle and velocity according to the knob position, in any case, if you're going for a virtual pad or just buttons, my advice is to capture the touch start of a button and release the state on touch end and not using is touching object, because you'll be limited to the buttons image area and a slight nudge outside of it will stop the character's movement and that is very annoying.

    I think you can also you the drag behavior and cancel both X/Y dragging, then using the is dragging condition will keep it's state when dragging outside of the image bounds.

    I also recommend giving up on the up/down direction for movement or actions, not very intuitive.

    Slower moving speed for the character, for a wider user input time-frame.

    Most mobile platformer games are using auto-move for the character, the main reason is crappy touch control, but that's a way to go.

    I'm making a platformer game for PC, I didn't even consider porting it to android/ios just because of the touch limitation, that and lots of optimizations, but mostly the touch <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    This is my game, Bad Pad,


    I did though make another platform based android game recently, based on Bad Pad but with limited controls and different gameplay.

    I used auto-run in one directions, jump and double jump are triggered by touching anywhere on the screen (except for other UI buttons), Air diving and Jetpack have designated buttons on the bottom left and right, appears only after purchasing the upgrade.

    There are shooting sequences where I spawn fireballs at the direction of the touch.x.y, again touch anywhere on the screen, in this sequences the player can't move the character, it is locked in on a predefined path, diving and jetpack are also not use-able and the buttons are hidden.

    The boss levels are little bit less intuitive, you press anywhere on the screen to move there and press on the boss the shot at it, the problem is that your hand can sometime cover crucial parts of the screen while touching, so I had to make the boss levels a bit easier.

    You can see it here,

    https://play.google.com/apps/testing/co ... mes.badrun

    It's still marked as beta, I'm releasing in a few days, just missing a few buttons graphics.

  • It was reported to me by a someone who tried to stream my game on twitch, I downloaded both classic and studio latest versions, both have a game capture option, and it doesn't work on both.

  • Did you manage to get it to work with "Capture Game"? because capture screen and window are working, but they not as optimal for game recording.

    I use NWjs 0.18.7 and c2 r239.

  • I've test NWjs export with this new argument and I still get a black screen when trying to record with OBS, anyone else tested OBS?

  • I can't record in game or window mode in OBS with NWjs and with chrome, with or without the single-process arg, does it work on your end?

  • I figured it must be something that happens during the first loading/caching screen, on the other hand I would mind if this runtime action will preform a full browser reload to take effect, I just need something to check for it on the startup of C2, maybe save it to local storage and read it before loading the game, the other alternative is having 2 JS files, which is less ideal.

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  • I'm still not sure if the problem is with the recording app or chrome, because on firefox it works well and I remember I used to be able to record form chrome in the not so far past (regardless to NWjs).

  • Just FYI. I've tried with the latest NW.js 0.18.6. The "--single-process" works with this version (you can run the game) but it does not solve the recording issue. Also it does not solve the flickering issue.

    Do you know if there is an older version of NWjs that works with the latest C2 and can capture in game mode?

  • Any chance of getting linear/point sampling control per layout or as system action?

  • > I just installed C2 r239 and NWjs 0.18.1, added the "--single-process" to the argument list in the package.json file, and I still can't see my game in OBS, neither in game-mode or window-mode, am I missing something else?


    Do it for the package-win.json... and it'll crash. Because --single-process is currently broken for 0.18.1 to 0.18.3...

    Sorry I meant the "--in-process-gpu" arg.

  • I just installed C2 r239 and NWjs 0.18.1, added the "--single-process" to the argument list in the package.json file, and I still can't see my game in OBS, neither in game-mode or window-mode, am I missing something else?

  • Rolling back worked for me.

  • Yeah but what if the t.v follows you down?

    I got it, I'll use an extra var.

  • Problem Description

    loopindex returns -1 for repeat loop when using wait

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Runs a x10 repeat loop with waiting and loopindex printing

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Click button
    • See output in text object

    Observed Result

    loopindex printed before the wait action returns correct value, loopindex after wait action returns -1

    Expected Result

    return correct loopindex.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Thanks, this was a font issue, you can close this thread!